It seems my dad (single parent) who is 63 (im 13) always just blames me for everything. even if i had no knowledge of whats going on he just yells at me... when i defend myself he says i dont know what im talking about and i only like to argue and yell... he'll go on about one thing for half an hour and then move on to another... Also he'll yell at me for stuff he doesn't understand and make up something about it ( i like science so i know how things work)... his explanations are often full of false accusations, circumstantial evidence or no evidence at all, really, really, far off superstition and just plain old lies... Does this happen to anyone else?
Course it happens to others... Dad's are usually like that... Refusing to admit they are wrong... Or in my case,make up BS when he don't know what's going on...
It is a parent thing. My dad can be the same way, he's 51 now so maybe it's a middle-aged thing? >.> He assumes that because I'm younger I have no real world experience or I'm the kind of teenager who thinks they know everything. I love him to bits but he can be so...stereotypically 'old dad' sometimes. I may have my faults but at least I can acknowledge when I'm wrong or need to apologise.
sit down and learn you'll be him in a few years. most dads are like that you may have it a bit harder as you are quite young for an old father so things you may have done are more irritating. another thing is that if your in a relationship you can share your issues and pent up-ness with a partner but as you say your dad is single all his issues and stress will come out at you. trick is to not argue back, argumentative dads love a good argument and it drives them nuts when they basically have to argue a brick wall.
Dude-you remind me of my brother. He is 13. My farther is 56-however... Despite mother and brother hating him-and my dislike for "perfection" by is standards-mine is usually correct. 8/10 times he won't admit wrong-however if it' threatening or just plain stupid he admits. At his age...what do you expect-at his age he should be able to rest easy and not run after any kids-my dad is currently sick of the job...he's always fixing stuff after us (...and he has yet to finish my car's new bumper XD). As for the lies...turn off his radio and you'd cut of his sorce of information XD (3AW radio...he's always full of rage in the morning talk back shows...)
Welcome to my life...3 brothers, obviously if he screws up something (Useally electronic ((Hes 53))) He staight away blame us for "muckin' around with it"
I'm a father of 3 biological and 2 step children, and if I can be proven wrong on whatever I am going on about I will turn and admit it, no one is perfect, but 95% I am right and they (kids) refuse to admit defeat until I prove to them how wrong they are, its a vicious cycle sometimes. I remember my dad blaming me for things happening and at the time and years later I thought he was being a dick (some things I still think he is), but as I grew and had kids of my own I can now look back and see what he was meaning now, yes he could have used more tact or explained things better than just bitching and yelling. I did indeed cause a lot of the stress in the house by the stupid shit I have done and acted which of course started a chain reaction of emotions that would set off stupid arguments and things getting said in the heat of the moment. anyway before I start a confusing rant, if I haven't already. As I go though similar things with my kids now, I now have a clear understanding of what I put my parents though at times, I don't regret any of it as I look at it as a learning experience and times I still think I didn't get my ass spanked enough for some things I have done and put them though. Anyway give it time, and when you get older and have kids that seem to be on a mission to send you to a loony-bin (and I wouldn't take a billion dollars for any of them ) you will hopefully think back to when you were a kid and how you acted and then think on how your parents might have felt but just didn't know a good way to express it. ^damn I think thats the biggest post I have ever made here. LOL
This happened with my 4th grade teacher minus the yelling. I even looked a few of the subjects up. Printed it out. Shoved it in her face. Told her "You're wrong!" She still said she was right. My dad yells when he's drunk. And when I 'backtalk' (WTF!?) at him. He also tells me "I'm wrong" all the time too. He once made me so mad, I hyper-ventilated, and felt high. He got mad at me for playing my DSi for too long, and he slid it across the table, it fell on my stone floor, and broke the right trigger for two months. He hates technology. Probably because he was they sports jockey in school and had a life. Even though his parents treated him like crap.
Sounds like mine. Backtalk is when you respond to when they are yelling ie "your wrong" and you go "YOUR F*CKING WRONG". That's how I see it-once I spot a flaw in thier arguments I can make a 2 min bitch into a hour stand off. I hate to lose-in the end-my dad has a headache. And it's "sports jock"-I hate those morons.
Haha, same thing goes with my dad, except he doesn't yell a lot. But he never admits that he's wrong and makes up weird stuff too. Like one time we were talking about tv shows and he said that he doesn't like Heroes because the concept's too far-fetched. I argued that his favorite shows (Ghost Whisperer & Supernatural) are more improbable because demons and ghosts don't exist. And he got angry and said that they exist because it says so in the bible. :/ Anyway, you'll learn to live with it eventually : ) And try to cut him some slack; he's a single parent after all, and he's probably doing his best to look out for you. Maybe he's cranky because the stress gets to him sometimes.
Mine may still be married-but because of the life stlye he acts like his's a single parent. ANd the bible is apparently mistranslated hewbrew-the lord only spatially seperated the universe apparently..not made it. Least he's nice enough to fix my car for free-screw machanics XD
I just want to give away my house to people who have chosen "HAXXOR!! RAWR" option. And yes, he never admits it.
My dad admits his wrongs but also points out my errors, then compares them, really funny sometimes ;D ....