Does anyone know how to play diffrent regions on there ps2 without swap magic ? As I really want to play a copy of tales of the abbys for ps2 but I have a PAL one.
you have to buy the chip, and if you want someone else to install it then you usually have to pay for that too.
not with a chip. I have a special memory card that allows me to play copied games, but doesnt seem to bypass the region lock.
I have a mod chip in my PS2. Took it to a local place that does it (if my town has one, unless you live in a village, then yours should have a place too). They did it in a few hours. Was not too expensive. Costs about the same price as two original PS2 games. It's well worth it if you ask me. Can play any region game and copied games. If you get a chance, get it chipped. Of course there are risks but you gotta take them if you want a chip in your PS2.