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MT Card new 2.0 hardware firmware and 2.0 software released

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by kenebon, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. kenebon

    kenebon Member

    MT Card new 2.0 hardware firmware and 2.0 software released. Support SaveEdit,homebrew and 128GB MicroSD.

    MT Card is one of the most powerful 3DS game flashcart. You can use this card to enjoy the 3DS and DS games. Now the firmware 2.0 has released. Users can upgrade to new hardware firmware 2.0 and software 2.0 to enjoy the new features.

    How to update(upgrade) MT-Card 2.0 hardware firmware and software?

    1. Support SaveEdit.(Need to copy cheat.dat and Launcher.dat went to the SD card root directory)
    We spent too much time on this feature. From planning to implementation, such as data capture, save file packing and modified data testing, we encountered many problems at every step. Finally, we achieved our initial commitment.

    Although there are not much supported games, we will keep updating to support more games.

    Meanwhile, we can collect users’ save file to analyze data, and to establish more games database. If you are interested, you can send your save file to us(with data and text description is better). Whether official game save file or ROM save file (zav, sav), it will help us to analyze save file data.

    To use this feature, you need to enter MT menu(“System Settings”‐> “Other Settings” ‐>”Profile” ‐> “Nintendo DS Profile” , and press L button), then select “Save Editor” (the third icon).

    Repeatedly to enter “Nintendo DS Profile” is limited on high version 3DS console. If you need multiple entry, you probably have to restart the console, or to enter “System Settings” , and then select “Exit”, and enter MT menu as we mentioned above.
    For the way to enter “Save Editor”, we have a plan to make change on future version: “Save Editor” appears when we press “START”. It will take us some more time, please wait.

    About the SaveEdit feature, this is the first version. Although we did a lot of tests, we still worry about data loss, so it is better to backup all the *.zav and *.sav files on your computer before using this feature. You can restore the games when you meet problem.

    2.Support EXfat format MicroSD card, up to 128GB.
    MT card is the first flashcard to support FAT32 format MicroSD, easy to drag and drop files. It is popular. To meet users’ requirement, we added new feature. MT card now supports EXfat format and larger capacity MicroSD card.

    3.Homebrew support
    At this time, I can only say sorry to everyone: I am late. but I finally catching up. Thanks to smea, and to all homebrew working people.

    4.Enhance menu selection, ROMs display is more intuitive.
    Press the SELECT button, you can check and select the games you like on the screen. Roms display is more intuitive. Game icon is in front and ROM file name follows the game icon, easy to distinguish 3DZ and 3DS.
    UP and DOWN to select roms, L and R to turn page.