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Discussion in 'Sony' started by kougerai, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. kougerai

    kougerai Well-Known Member

    I was wondering, what is the difference of Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops and Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops Plus.

    I was thinking mainly storyline wise. =/
  2. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    play them and find out. I only played through Portable ops, then I downloaded the PSX VR missions disk so I didnt have time for portable ops+
  3. kougerai

    kougerai Well-Known Member

    That was fast, =o

    And I unfortunately can not play them yet.

    My memory card's and Pandora Battery has not come yet.

    And Almo, I hope you can be on MSN when they do, because I will need some help with the guide, So I don't mess up my PSP.

    Is that alright of me to ask of you?
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    MGSPO = storyline
    MGSPO+ = online stuff

    if you want to know the storyline, go for MGSPO but you enjoy online gaming, go for MGSPO+, but you like both well get both XD

    btw i got both XD
  5. kougerai

    kougerai Well-Known Member

    I look foreword to facing you in the near future.

    Im getting Both.
  6. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    I would say MPO has more value in gameplay. MPO +'s infinity missions are pretty boring and is only worth it if you play online. And even then online gameplay is not that great. Also i I recall correctly, the last time I could not play MPO + online with an ISO, Konami would not let me register an account.
  7. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i'm not very good in online
  8. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Play that free mode where people just chat around. Can practice your aiming though usually they are all friends and once you start shooting someone, all of them will start hunting you.
  9. kougerai

    kougerai Well-Known Member

    You may not be good, But ill suck even more. D=

    Sounds fun xD