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Movies music pictures

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by plwilliams87, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. plwilliams87

    plwilliams87 Active Member

    I have a acekard2i i have ds roms but thats it.
    i can not seem to get skins music movies cheats or anything else to work.

    i heard that my acekard2i could have metacritic scores and gamefaqs on the chip itself but i am really lost can anyone post something like a starter kit for me to download or offer any other help?

    i saw this site but its kind of confusing .rominator.net

  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    That sounds like a problem, you need firmware to get that running.

    Ethier do one of the 3 options...

    1.Get the latest firmware-akaio I advise-from here by following the links


    Check the common issues thread in this section for some additional info and alternitive firmware links

    3.Look in the tutorials section of this site, there are some guides on firmware installation.
  3. plwilliams87

    plwilliams87 Active Member

    i downloaded the firmware and it works but how do i put music movies etc. on the card where can download that kind of stuff i used an r4 and found a starter pack on youtube but i have had no look with the acekard i am not very good at this stuff.
    can you really add metacritc scores and gamfaqs on the card?
    Post Merge: [time]1268754929[/time]
    does anyone currently have any movies music metacritic scores or gamefaqs on there acekard2i???????????????