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movies for scifi and horror, recommendations

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ultra, Apr 3, 2009.

  1. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i've been itching for some scifi and horror movies.
    give a movie title and give reasons why it's good. i'll post them on my queue.
  2. psxerick

    psxerick Member

    All the Saw movies hold some credit with me, but the term Horror is going to make it hard to classify what kind of movie you are interested in. Personally I would go with The Hills have eyes, the 2nd one wasnt too bad either, but the 1st was the better of the 2. Or maybe try the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake and the beginning.
    Exorcism of Emily Rose was creepy, but not sure if I would put it in horror. Same with the Ring. Stay away from the Boogyman movies. Avoid them like the plague. They were horr-i-bad. Want to sue them for the cost of the movie and the 2 hours per movie of my life I wasted watching them.
  3. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    the hills have eyes has to be one of the worst movies i have ever seen same with texas chainsaw maybe its that i hate cheesy/predictable horror (watched them since i was 6 years old and they do nothing for me)

    the saw movies are good for a watch

    how about a cross with a scfi horror, give event horizon a go i've not seen it in years but i'm sure it was good when i saw it.
    the new version of amityville horror was good
  4. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Sci-Fi - One rule, stick to originals.. any remakes or additions to the story will just plain suck.
  5. zinectics

    zinectics Well-Known Member

    saw movies

    cube 2
    cube zero

    the exorcisms movies

    children of the corn [im a fan of stephen king movies]

    final destination 1-2-3

    art of the devil 1-2

  6. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i've seen all the saw series along with final destination.

    i've seen qube 1 and regarding on rather to watch qube 2 or zero is luke warm.

    event horizon. yeah, it was okay. it was like a japanese idea espcially if you consider the ideas from japanese comics.

    anything in relation to stuff like minority report, the island or independence day? those were really good movies. what about something like eagle eyes or 12 monkeys?
  7. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    eagle eye i thought was a really good movie and so is 12 monkeys definitely worth a watch

    have you seen i am legend that's a good movie too
  8. ultra

    ultra Guest

    so did i and i was pretty puzzled why critics gave it such a mediocre or lower score for the movie. additionally, one of my sisters didn't like it either but it was pretty good.

    i am legend is okay.

    28 days and 28 weeks are good movies. also the newer remake of dawn of the dead [the one where they were stuck in the mall] is pretty good too.

    i didn't like the old star trek movies. the generation casts for the star trek were good but the old ones with the crew of captain kirk never caught on with me.
  9. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    For all of my suggestions, please note that I only recommend the original version of the movie and usually the 1st one for those that are part of a series. Also, I added a sub-genre with a little clarification if you will: Scary movies are ones that are made to be frightening; may or may not have lots of blood or special effects - just scary. Chop-n-Spew are those that are intended to provide the highest ratio of blood per movie-minute but does not spend too much time on plot - just bloody.

    Horror Scary: The Exorcist, (bar none the scariest movie ever made); Halloween, (the original #1 has a young Jammie Lee Curtis); The Omen I, & II, (all about the devil, what is more scary); Rosemary's Baby, (creepy, weird, old, but still worth it).

    Horror Chop-n-Spew: Friday the 13th, (they get sillier as the number gets higher); Dawn of the Dead, (slow-motion zombie gore); Saw, (any number should suffice); Hostill, (inventive use of the classic blood-n-guts type flick).

    Sci-Fi: The Matrix, (all 3 are must see's); Star Wars (4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, in that order - these go without saying though right?); War Games, (where it all started).

    The Sci-Fi should really have multiple sub-genres as well but it is getting late.

    These are just my choices but is certainly not an exhaustive list. This discussion really could go on for quite some time as people add their opinions about my choices (but it's not about me).....
  10. bevbolts

    bevbolts New Member


    The Changling - George C. Scott, Rosemarys Baby, The Devil Rides Out, Race with the Devil - all quite creepy, also The Nanny - Bette Davis, Whatever happened to Baby Jane, the original Hills Have Eyes, etc. :-\
  11. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Saw 1-5
    If you like old horror then Hell House and orginal Amityville Horror
    House of 1000 corpses and The Devils Rejects if you like really strange movies
    Shaun of the Dead is good for a parody of Dawn of the Dead.
    The Ring 1 (I didn't care for 2 that much)
    The Grudge 1 & 2

    Sci-Fi...well all the ones I can think of have already been mentioned.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I can't believe no one mentioned The Thing.

    Sci-fi + Horror. Amazing film, the creatures/aliens in it are the most disgusting things I've ever seen in a movie.
  13. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    well if your from the philippines watch shake rattle and roll series
    im watching it now wooooh!!!!