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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by riael, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. riael

    riael Member

    Hey, I know I don't really post a lot in this forum. But eh, I wanted to let the world know that I am going to be directing a short film based on a script that I wrote in about a twenty four hour span. The film will be my first endeavor into Directing and Producing, and I am hoping it will be good enough to get me into college. I would post some of the script but I can't due to legal reasons. So far I have almost all my actors. They are some friends and two cousins. Heres the plot of it.

    Adam, a young man around his 20s is dating this girl who he falls in love with. Adam is known as a user of women and this new love feeling makes him a bit nervous. After making a mistake his girlfriend Brittany tears into him in a public place. This throws Adam for a spin because he thinks she overreacted a bit too much.

    End Plot

    Anyways, I have the script done and am waiting on getting a friend to play as Adam. Hes the only character I have yet to cast. Here is the actors in order of appearance.

    Tom - Joshua Leake

    Adam - TBD*

    Roger - Christopher Peoples

    Tori - Jessica Thompson

    David - David Thompson

    Brittany - Courtney Hiett

    This is going to be my first short film ever. I am brand new to this and when it comes out I will be asking for opinions and or comments on my style. Anyways, I will update on everything later. Tell me if you guys are interested or not.

    Note: This film if I did a good job will be placed in a portfolio that I am making for film school admission. I am a writer by heart and I have always wanted to direct. Thank you for your replies, your comments and or support will be most appreciated.
  2. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    "Adam is known as a user of women"

    what is that suppost to mean? he is a playboy?

    anyway good luck.
  3. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Looking forward to it....
    I'll be keenly following this as I will be doing something similar later this year....
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yeah looking forward to it, post it here when done :)
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    while writing/directing isn't really my thing, I do edit video on a semi-professional level as a hobby, so I will be interested to see this when complete :)
  6. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I do amatuer videos alot... I just don't post them on youtube, my friends' acting are HORRIBLE
  7. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    I make amateur videos too, and they all SUCK! *sigh*
    Good for you, hope you succeed. It would help if you explain the plot to us :).
  8. riael

    riael Member

    Adam is one of those fuck them once leave there ass on the street. He would date a girl for any length of time but as soon as he fucked them he would evaporate into thin air if you know what I mean. The plot isn't really well thought up or anything. I didn't want to get to into it. I just wanted to try out directing. But, he after she goes crazy she does another crazy thing and they sort of break up. Hopefully it will make better sense in video form then writing.

    For the editor, what software do you use. I have Ulead Video Studio and After Effects.
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I use Sony Vegas 7.
  10. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    I have a girlfriend named Brittany... Hmm...
  11. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I used to use Ulead as well. I used to make amateur movies of action and fighting with my mates but they looked really bad.
  12. riael

    riael Member

    I got some plug ins to make my footage look like 25mm film. After Effects is good for doing this kind of stuff.

    Can anyone suggest a good camera to get in order to create decent looking footage? I still haven't found an Adam, so I might be rewriting the script.
  13. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Do you care about the price? My mum got a $1600 Sony camcorder end of last year, it's really good, but I don't know if you could afford it. Make sure it's Sony or Canon or something like that.
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Sony, Canon, JVC or Panasonic.

    Avoid hard disk or DVD camcorders, as they compress the data they record, reducing the quality.

    You really need to give us a budget to help you further.

    You'd be hard pressed to find a better camcorder than mine in terms of quality, but it cost £900 ($1,900) (that's actually cheap for a professional camcorder)
  15. Piree

    Piree Member

    Are you on a Film Academy or how it's called?
    Well anyways, Good luck with the movie!
  16. riael

    riael Member

    Right now I get SSI because I am Disabled, but I will be getting a job pretty soon so in all I should be having about lets see 489.56 left over to spend freely.

    489.56 is what I could spend to the Max unless I save up for a month or so.

    So lets see I would spend at max 1,500 dollars for the camera.
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    You want a 3CCD camcorder if you can stretch to one. 3CCD basically means it has 3 different sensors in it (one for each colour rather than one for all 3 colours), making the quality a lot better. This might sound a little odd, but bigger is better, as a camcorder with a bit of weight to it will be less prone to camera shake/roll. My camcorder is a shoulder mounted one and that helps a lot. You certainly do not want one of those single-handed 'handycam' type things that everyone seems to have, the quality is terrible. Personally I am not a fan of miniDV as I don't find the quality to be very good. I personally use VHS-C and full-size DV.

    If you were to get a VHS-C (or any other analogue format, the VHS variants VHS-C and SVHS-C give the best quality) you would need an analogue capture device in your computer to digitize the video.

    this is my full-size DV camera:

    Sony DCR-VX9000E

    while this isn't new by any stretch of the imagination (mine is 12 years old), it is a professional broadcast quality digital video camera (3CCD of course) and you can get them second hand for around £700 (~$1,400), so proper camcorders are not entirely outside of your budget. Also make sure you get a decent tripod for whatever camcorder you get.
  18. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Also for smoother footage there's this http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~johnny/steadycam/
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    looks nice but a camera like mine doesn't need one.