im challenging you on that one... i cant, cause your actually right in a way though. they ould have gave the wolf a better story line, and the really need to think oof something for gannon other than making him a bigger uglier pig.. it gets old. i think they should make a sequel where Zelda dies, of you go through the game as the hero, and turn evil... Id give anything to kill zelda with link.. as many times and as many games that ive saved her in... i want something in return... id even tke rupees. im way off topic...yea
I hated playing as the wolf, it sucked, all i wanted to do was become link again every time i had to be the wolf.
the wolf wasnt that bad. he didnt really have puzzles like link. i just hated finding the bugs. is that what you hated or you just hate i period.
I didn't mind finding the bugs, since once i did i could become link again, i just hated being the wolf period.
i guess. what do you think about playing as another character like my first post states?? how would you consider revising te story to make the gameplay feel fresh??
I think Duke Nukem Forever has to have a mention in this topic. While undoubtably it would have been good if it had ever made release, it was hyped up for so long that it would never fulfil what people came to expect of it.
I remember reading about this, it was for the xbox. I read that something happened with legal issues, copyrights and some other stuff so the game was never finished. Now i have to say FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: THE CRYSTAL BEARERS , this game had a four year wait, and was abosulutlly horible. It seems like something squre-enix slapped together in a four months, and the battle music is hillbilly's finest.After a four year wait, i would expect the game to atleast come packged with a map and better game mechanics.You go threw the whole game fliging your enimies around, repetitive, boring gameplay. its like finalfantasy had a clash with star wars, minus the light sabers. After i got this game for x-mas, I almost cryed, they could have brought the original crystal chronicles from gamecube back to life, wit new wifi cpabilities or something, but instead they took the,"family approach" towards the wii system. I must say though, besides the gorrible gameplay, and even wore music, this is actally one of the best looking wii game to this date. the graphics even top Super Maario Galaxy. Dont get this game unles you enjoy a load of mini games slaped into childish gameplay mechanics with a grownup story.