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Most Embarassing/Worst Day Or Moment Of Your Life And The Day You Will Never Forget.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by otikpoko, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. otikpoko

    otikpoko Active Member

    The topic says it all.I don't have any yet.Anyway,i am going to tell you that of other people who have given me the permission to post it here.This one goes like this:A friend passed out faeces on himself in a public place because of running stomach.He said that no car boarded him because of...So he had to walk down home like that.Infact,he said that,that day was the worst day and most embarassing moment of his life.
  2. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Umm... I guess when I jumped on some ice that wasn't as thick as I thought it was... The thing is I was with a group of girls and I was trying to show off; take in mind I was 12 and that water was freezing!
  3. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    on my 21st birthday my brother said that he would buy all my drinks if I walked naked through my mums business meeting and kiss her boss (who is a man by the way) Now I may have been completely drunk at the time and not thinking strait but at least I didnt have to buy drinks :p

    though im not embarrased by anything so meh.
  4. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Last memorable moment was my last day of high school. Me and my mates were going to start a food fight and they had me start it off, but after I threw something those pansies just sat there and did nothing. Ended up spending the rest of the school day mopping floors.

    I forgave them after we went out partying and they bought all the booze and shit. The women we picked up were a nice bonus too.

    I wonder if I'm too forgiving sometimes...
  5. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    the last i can remember was when i ran late to this...mandatory celebration speech of our school who just turned autonomous at that time. The teacher picked a random student to give a small speech in front of everyone, and by the powers of the divine god i was chosen...I was infront of the whole commerce student body...froze for a few mins. didn't know what to say so i just spurted crappy stuff about hard work.
  6. Corcor 7

    Corcor 7 Member

    Tried to jump over 5 metal-collapsible chairs in front of the grade 9 and 11 girls gym class-and failed...Can't get much worse than that-except for my other bud who jumped over 7.5 garbage cans and flipped face-first in front of an eighth if the school-that sucks, too! The long short-Don't jump over shit! :'(
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I'm pretty sure it's your teacher's choice that you got chose and not some supernatural power :p