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Most boring and pointless schoolwork ever?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by personuser, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    OK, school is a great place to learn, and to learn you have to do work, which can get a little repetitive....

    but this kind of work takes it TOO far.

    Share the stupidest and most monotonous schoolwork you've had to do here - bonus points if it was barely worth any points but still mandatory.

    As for me, I had an assignment in history last year, a vocabulary lesson. Easy shit, right?

    Normally it was. Except for ONE time the teacher decided to be "Creative".

    We had 20 vocabulary words and each one had a 4-box chart. The work wasn't too hard but really boring; What we had to do with this was incredibly stupid.

    We had to define each word.
    Then in the next box define it with different words 3 times.
    Then in the next box define it with more different words 3 more times.
    Then in the next box define it with EVEN MORE different words 3 more times.

    In total, we defined 20 words 140 TIMES.

    It was also worth five points (for comparison, non-vocabulary homework sheets were worth ten)

    We hated that teacher....

    Anyways, post yours!
  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    So, assignments nobody in their right minds actually does then?

    There was this little pyramid thing I had to build for a history class that was worth next to nothing but it was required for some other thing later. I ended up slipping a $5 to one of the Harvard-aspiring students to do it for me.

    I find it funny how I managed to have more money when I was in high school than I do now.
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    A substitute teacher the other day had us do this long-ass paper with repetitive questions.

    The next class, our regular teacher said that we just had to do one page for each group.
  4. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    -i needed some extra points, 5 to be exact, and my teacher made me do an 100 point 2 page essay just to get the 5 :/
    -as for pointless, my teacher made us do an essay 5 pager (summary on a book) and she made us recite it in class, it was like a person per day :/
    -my other teacher (female) made us take her pictures of our younger days for 10 extra credit points, she says she wanted to see our faces before we became what we are today...weirdo
    *im lucky enough to find answer keys on the internet for my math packets (i already know the stuff, so why bother doing it ya know)
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I never saw the point of doing Human Computer Interaction at university. it was all about software user interfaces and how to design them properly, so they were easy to understand and use, and about special technology for blind and mobility impaired people. It has zero relevance to networking, which was my course, but we had no choice about doing it.
  6. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    It's basically everything assigned in my computer tech class.

    We learn to use microsoft office products. We spent the first week typing values into excel.

    In the first year, we learned to type and use microsoft office products.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    You spent a week on that? we spent an entire term or two doing that because the teacher didnt know anything else.
  8. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    I had to write a two page story. One kid wrote three pages and lost points for making it too long. Another kid used size 32 font and got an A.

    I lost points on a powerpoint assignment for not using sound effects, slide transitions, and animations.
  9. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Sounds like my networking and database classes. :p

    I couldn't really complain about easy As but I never really felt like I was learning anything since that sort of thing is easy enough to figure out on your own. I tested out of a few of them at least though so I had some free spots to work with.
  10. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    In Sophomore english, we had to take sticky notes and mark EVERYTHING that is an example of any literary term in a certain book.