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Moonshell problems (if it doesn't go here, please move it)

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by blakfayt, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. blakfayt

    blakfayt Active Member

    Ok, so I recently got the latest Moonshell program and it was good, until I tried playing a song by the Gorillaz, at which in certain points in the song where the bass hit a certain tone the speakers would make a weird crackling type noise, I tried turning the volume down and everything, nothing worked, so I opted to get rid of those songs (plenty more you see) but there is a bigger problem I've noticed with both moonshells, I have four songs that, when started, claim to jump to the 30 mark, followed by a loud screeching noise, and then the music playing super slow, like when people slow down those songs on youtube and make them sound demonic or whatever. So is this a problem with the songs (they are in MP3 format, same as all my others) and I have noticed nothing strange about them at all other than what happens on moonshell. I'm using a DSTT/TTDS.

    The songs are Ryan Star's Brand New day We Are Sex Bob-omb I'm so sad, so very,very sad and We hate you please die. Thanks for any help you can give.
  2. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    That sounds like Moonshell cannot read the song correctly...

    Format the card.
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Mabe the bitrate of the recording might have to be lowerd by re-recording the original , I think the speekers of the DS can not support high sounds well and there for will cracle

    Like bitrate - 224kbps down to somethink like bitrate - 192kbps mabe lower the better might help

    All supported formats hear http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MoonShell

    Are try re-record it in a diffrent format .wav est
  4. blakfayt

    blakfayt Active Member

    I'm not using the DS speakers I'm using my headphones, and the bitrate is in the acceptable zone.
  5. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

  6. blakfayt

    blakfayt Active Member

    Failed, and now my TTDS is loading slower.
  7. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Do a FULL format. Don't check "Quick format".

    Else use Panasonic SD formatter.
  8. blakfayt

    blakfayt Active Member

    Did that, I've formatted SD cards before, and I got a suggestion to try the Panasonic SD formatter earlier (different place) and it still hasn't helped, with either the now slow loading of my flashcart or the moonshell.
  9. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    ...download 2.7 or 2.5 of moonshell.
    2.10 wasn't really stable.
  10. blakfayt

    blakfayt Active Member

    Ok, that might help, if not I can survive without the songs, I'm just worried about what other songs may not work, but any idea as to why the formatting slowed my flashcart down? The games load at the same speed but when I turn the DS on it takes about ten seconds to load where as it was nearly instantaneous before the formatting.
  11. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Because the format rebuilded the file system, that is now FAT32 (recommended and default), and FAT32 is slower but better.
  12. blakfayt

    blakfayt Active Member

    How's it better? I'm just saying I've never had a problem (other than the music thing, which I blame entirely on moonshell) with my SD card or my flashcart.
  13. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    It can hold more, if I'm correct. Not entirely sure.
  14. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    On an SD card for a Flash Kit, it's best to use FAT16, FAT32 has the advantage of larger single files... but honestly.... Are you planning on putting a single file on the SD card that exceeds 2 gigs? If not stick to FAT16. It's Faster, and so long as you organize your cards contents you should have ZERO issues.

    You can format to FAT16 easily using cmd.exe and the format command. "format x: fs fat" should do it. type format /h or /help for a more accurate use of the fs tag... I think the command is "format x: /fs fat" x obviously being the drive your SD card is assuming. :p Also with this formatting the read write speed of the card should increase a tiny bit. :3
  15. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Do NOT format anything you use for your flashcard to FAT16, it will cause problems.