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Monster Rancher 2 PSX

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by capinure, Jan 17, 2009.

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  1. capinure

    capinure New Member

    Hey Guys , my first comment on the site , gotta say this is a pretty wicked place for roms and info ;D.

    Was wondering if someone could help me with a issue,

    i wanna play Monster Rancher 2 , either on the computer or ps2 , was wondering just how i can manage to do that.
    i'm really a PSX emu/iso newbie so i have no idea.

  2. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    You can download an emulator for the PC that plays PSX games, you can also play them on PSP's...
    I use my PSP so I don't know much about emulators but apparently they are simple to use, try googling it :)
  3. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    ePSXe is the most compatible PSX Emulator for the PC. Unfortunately it's not the easiest one to use. It's not that bad once you get over the initial shock, and there are always people willing to help you with any troubles you may encounter.

    Start off by reading the ePSXe Tutorial.

    It will get you started.
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