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Monster Racers DS

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Soluri, May 17, 2010.

  1. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    So, just wanted to know, because I was bored:
    Which starter did you choose?
    How many exotics do you have
    What's your main monster for racing (Which monster do you use the most)

    I choose Cuboom
    I have 4 exotics, a Pyrofox, Skreech, a Magmare and a Goya
    I use a lv 44 exotic Pyrefox (Called Lyra) the most ;D
  2. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    I just started - also with a cuboom - not sure what an "exotic" is at this point; is it like a rare monster or something? There's very little info about this game on the web. I've literally only played for an hour so I haven't got much more to tell. I was actually searching for info on the game myself...
  3. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    An exotic monster is a monster with a different colour, they're harder to catch and cot different abilities then the normal coloured ones. See it as shinnies
  4. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    cool - I've seen just one but wasn't a high enough level to catch it. Fortunately they're a lot more common than shinies.
  5. totallydood

    totallydood Guest

    This game is F****** awesome!!!!! It's very similar to Pokemon, with the "Pick a starter from 3", the Pokemon center like places where you re-energize your monsters, the names of the monsters (i.e. Snorpork), a pig like thing that looks like its asleep. , item names like the Rope ladder, similar tthe Escape Rope that lets you escape from a cave and return to the entrance, does the same thing in Monster Racers. the Power bracer, which increases power, similar to the power bracer in Pokemon, that boosts attack EV gain. Inside the Pokemon Center like places, there's an upstairs area where you can ... you guessed it. Trade Pokemon with others, get into WiFi races, etc. While racing a monster, you can catch it by shooting star power at it a few times (similar to weakening a Pokemon in the wild). You can have a max of 3 pokemon monsters in your party. after you catch another one you will be asked to either send it to the Monstertarium (similar to the PC), or swap it out for another monster in your team and have that one sent to the Monstertarium. You will encounter trainers in the wild, just like in Pokemon that will challenge you to a battle race. Go Download it, you'll feel like your're playing a Pokemon game with a slightly different formula.

    Lol, I said Pokemon instead of Monster and battle instead of race. O:

    If you like Pokemon then download this game. ITS VERY ADDICTING!
  6. MichaRulez

    MichaRulez Well-Known Member

    Yea I saw one too but I didnt saw a new one till now. It was this koala... dont know the name now cause they all have difficult names^^ This game is ok to kill some time and you dont have to do something
  7. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    I just encountered an exotic monster, and I didn't menage to catch it... -_-
    Game is pretty good by the way, I don't like pokemon, but this is diffrent... :)
  8. Zeeky

    Zeeky New Member

    Did any one know where is the Altar and Fragment ?
  9. kalak

    kalak Member

    Im not that advanced yet.. but i started with Cutigre and i actually using a lvl 30 Tigrero, lvl 28 Empark and lvl 29 Lavani for racing, and happens that yesterday a captured an exotic golden Tigrero XD... im waiting to combine monstores to make and hybrid that can run in every ground (hope it can be created XD). The games is really cool ^^... lets see what happens next XD
  10. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Anyone who plays/played Maplestory notice that Snorpork's voice is exactly like that squid monster thing?
  11. AstroGod

    AstroGod Well-Known Member

    how do you move the boulders in the 2nd plce
  12. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I grabbed a Phoechick as my initial starting monster. It is level 19 right now and is my primary racer. As I just started basically, I only use that and my Zaal actively.

    Also, while searching for the Zaal I'm now using, I ran into an Exotic Humblebug and caught it pretty easily, although, it was really freaking fast. I do have a third monster, but that is my interchangeable slot for specific tournaments and terrains if I need to use a specific monster.
  13. AstroGod

    AstroGod Well-Known Member

    where do you get the item that lets you move boulders
  14. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Go create a help thread, quit spamming.
  15. Arron_zero

    Arron_zero Well-Known Member

    @AstroGod - learn to scroll up and read

    I started with a Phoechick ^^
    I have 0 exotic T.T and have so far only encountered 2
    I used to race only with Phoechick and on water terrains, with Monark ^^ But now, I almost always race with the awesome Wolfreeze, he is just too good xD insanely high speed(with the Wolfreeze accessory equipped) and really good damage and a really nice skill set(albeit small though).
  16. JeroPWM

    JeroPWM New Member

    I have choosen Phoechik ;D ;D ;D
    I have now played around the 22 hours monster racer, it is a really cool game ;D
    I have now 12 exotics: Snorpork, Dinkum, Paraduks, Iciquill, 2x Tartarok (I have caught one for my dad :)), Libertle, Magmare, Pachydorm, Pyrefox, Sleeke, Skreech. I don't use cheats because I want to play it myself fair.
    I have just got another exotic Magmare from breeding :)
    Now I have caught a exotic Hopaloris (14 exotics now):D
    Now I have played around 25 hours
    Yes, now I have a exotic Kakkel (Number 15)
    I have caught an exotic Mordax (Number 16)
    29th May I have caught a exotic Shelshok (Number 17)
  17. kalak

    kalak Member

    Updating: Just finished the game... is really a cool game, i did the path to the legendary racer like 50 times but finally i get to finish it... i still have only my exotic Tigrador ... hpoing to get some more exotic for the exotic championship.... if u want to know about my monsters... these are the ones:

    *level 59 Lobacial with 148 speed and can run on : Good on Fire, Very Good on Snow
    *level 58 Lavani with 129 speed and can run on: Good on Fire, Good on Earth
    *level 55 Leopard(dont remember how it is called XD) with 140 speed and can run on: Very Good on Grass, Good on Water

    I wanted to have a team prepared for every map so i just created thos hybrids for better habilities and that can run on two grounds.

    PD: The names are in spanish cuz im spanish XD.. dont know the names on english version (Lavani is the Pokemon rapidash like monster, Lobacial is the wolf that have some blue fire on the body, the leopard dont need explain XD... is a yellow leopard XD
  18. mhajhun

    mhajhun New Member

    my starter is a phoechik
    then i bred it to a water type monster so I got a Lv40 Phoechik with Fire and Water ability.
    then i have 8 exotic monsters
    they are: Zaal, Skreech, Bandicute, Steamu, Roktops, Magmare, Pyrefox, and Wolfreez.

    by the way, an Exotic Monster is like a "shiny" type to pokemon.
  19. JeroPWM

    JeroPWM New Member

    Lavina is Magmare I think and Lobacial is Wolfreez (Something like that)
  20. x9x9x

    x9x9x Well-Known Member

    Started with a Leafee or whatever it's called.
    Mainly using my Punkchar and Slinkah, training up a recently caugh Flowrwolf (god they're retarded with their running backwards, I got really freaked out first time I saw one)
    In the Amazon after like 17 and a half hours, not too shabby I don't think.

    Got to admit though, my Punkchar (level 47 now, with a little training in the Amazon) managed to get through the North American GP, Argentinian Open and New York Cup on it's own with no training between starting the NAGP and finishing the NYCup.