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Monster Racers Cheats

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Ravte, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    After 3 hours of going around all kinds of forums and ending up pulling my hair out because nothing seems to work, I finally decided to make a post to ask about this.

    I'm having problems making cheats work on Monster Racers U, I am using R4 (clone, I guess) with 1.18 firmware and YSmenu.

    I've seen dozens of posts about R4 problems with cheats, I read about this Yasus cheat fix, which could be downloaded from his own site. Yasus says it's been outdated and refers to download his new R4custom, after downloading it I notice that it doesnt include english, only question mark after question mark (chinese only I guess), couple words like PATCH and the all known upload/search button is to be recognized, everything else seems to be "? ? ? ? ? ? ? ".

    I tried another way to use R4cce to manually edit the latest cheat database found on gbatemp to include only the games that I play/am gonna play, after seeing as that didn't work I tried to delete every other except the Monster Racers one.

    That didn't work either, now I've noticed that the Monster Racers cheat included in the cheat database is Monster Racers (J), I'm not a familliar with this coding stuff so I just simply tried to rename my game to the same but it didn't work either. Or maybe I need to change a line of code in the cheat database so it would make the codes work on the U version which I am using at the moment.

    I'm not familliar with this tinkering stuff with Ysmenu and what not, so I might be using something extra that blocks the cheats or missing something vital for them to work.

    Inb4 I apologize if this has matter has been dealt with already, I used the search function to look posts that would include this problem but all I found was the above I mentioned.

    EDIT* Question mark smileys ?? to ? ?


    I found the fix at last, altho I did like 2h tinkering with the latest YSmenu for nothing when I finally found a way to use that r4cce with chinese language to dig up a new game ID from a rom on my SD card.

    So the simple fix was to change the Game ID with R4CCE - Links allowed? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9tY7mM-VUc

    For people who are suffering of the same problem check the above link, I still think it's the best to delete all the unnecessary games from your usrcheat.dat or cheat.dat file since R4 can't read more than 800 first games or so I read somewhere.

    And thank you for your comment Ghostface it actually was usrcheat.dat file I had to use with R4, guess I missread somewhere heh.
  2. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    Ummmm....Is this the wrong section or something? Sorry if I'm being inpatient.

    EDIT* Sorry just found another possible fix for this, from the "do not ask if this is your matter" topic I'll update incase it doesnt work either.
    If your game has been patched in any way, the Game ID is has been changed. Cheats identify games by the Game ID. GBATemp's cheat database uses the Game ID of the clean rom. In order to use cheats on a patched rom you must use a database editor like R4CCE by Yasu to update the Game ID of the cheat entry.

    PS. How do you get the game ID after you've patched it?

    PSS. I don't recall ever patching Monster Racers, is the downloadable rom prepatched here?
  3. GhostFace977

    GhostFace977 Well-Known Member

    What cheat file did you get from Gbatemp? You're supposed to get usrcheat.dat.
    If you got that one, I dunno. If you get the better firmware "Wood R4" instead of "Ysmenu", I could probably help. I had the same problem but with that better firmware "Wood R4". All I had to do was activate the cheats on some file by changing a 0 to a 1. Lol.
  4. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    Ammm, I tried to use the usrcheat.dat file first, but then I found some post on either here or Gbatemp talking bout that R4clones only use the ammm......cheat.dat file for the cheats, and if you got both usrcheat.dat and cheat.dat they block each other or something so. I'm using only cheat.dat at the moment. Altho I didn't try modify usrcheat.dat with r4cce so there is another possible solution.

    And one other thing that I noticed but only occured to me now that I read my own reply here, is that the Monster Racers on the latest Gbatemp cheatfile was Japan version, so it may not even have had the correct U version ID even if it wasn't patched at all.

    I only swiftly gazed upon the wood R4 post earlier when I read about it so I didn't gave it much thought back then about it being better than YSmenu or anything.

    Is there any tutorial for installing it like the one for Ysmenu that this guy here in Romulation is keeping up, props to him, got my YSmenu working with that guide back in the day.

    And if the guide doesnt cover bout making cheats work, mind giving me a PM or e-mail with a small instructions of how to make em work? If ya don't mind. My understanding bout coding and how these cheats work are almost zero.

    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    EDIT* Happen to know anyway to check your games' ID? That would be the most simple fix at the moment :D Altho I'm curious bout trying wood R4 anyway heh.
    Post Merge: [time]1275613119[/time]
    Admins feel free to delete this thread if ya want, issue has been dealt with and solved.
    I'd like to suggest making a small topic or a link to the above video I linked too (it was pretty simple and easily understandable) for people who might read the "Common Issueas - MUST READ" thread and suffer from the same problem as I did.
  5. GhostFace977

    GhostFace977 Well-Known Member

    I don't think the whole Game ID thing is your problem. This is because you said you downloaded Monster Racers from here right? So you probably downloaded the US version. The cheat files from Gbatemp should work, as the Game ID is already filled for the US version of Monster Racers.
    Here: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=39701.0
    Everything's there for you. There's even a video walkthrough of installing it. This firmware basically turns your R4 into an AceKard. Literally. When that is installed, open the _rpg file and open the cheats file. Put the usrcheat.dat in there. Then, go back one page (from the cheats folder) and click on globalsettings. Once it opens, look for where it says "cheats". Turn the 0 beside it into a 1. You're going to have to keep doing this everytime you update your Wood R4, but its really quick. This should work, as I did this. I too had the problems with cheats, and this worked for me. Post here if you have anymore problems with it
  6. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    I already found the fix for this as I mentioned on my OP which I updated with the info :D But thank you for your assistance and I'll look into that Wood R4, I'm comparing them at the moment, found an interesting forum post bout YSmenu vs Woods in gbatemp.
  7. GhostFace977

    GhostFace977 Well-Known Member

    Oh alright.
    By the way, you know how you have to delete unnecessary games or move the all the way to the top with R4CCE to make the cheats in the game work? You don't have to do that in Wood R4. :p
  8. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    Yeah it's a PITA but when I go through all those games from the cheat list I can find new games that I havent tried yet, if their name sounds interesting :D