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Monster hunter tri, it's like smex! it's that good!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by dragneon007, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    ok I been playing Mh3 on the wii, and I gotta say.. This game is f***ing awesome! no friend codes! wiispeak support, = mic support and keyboard support! and if you love phantasy star games, then your gonna love this game! it looks sXe for a wii title, and the online... oh my god! the online for this thing is just awesome! considering that it's on wii and the friend codes are gone! plus teaming up with people is a breeze.
    Also, I'm using the classic controller pro, wich is basicially a playstation controller, and it feels and controls great! but if you have the normal wiimote thats ok too.
    Anyway, I highly recommend you guys check this game out! especially if you like phantasy star games and RPG titles, or want a fun game on the wii for a change.
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    one of the only MMOs on the entire system, which also blurs into one of the only (good) RPGs on the system.

    Nintendo always has to have the shortest end of the stick by not doing things by login, just now implementing wii speak, keyboard support, finally got the bright idea of no FCs just to see someone online, and omfg a playstation-esque controller! Yep, last one to get that too.

    The graphics are finally reaching towards acceptable-good...kinda wished this game was a little more like WoW as far as how environments are loaded...They shouldn't be divided into 5x5 areas and then 10 second loads in between each of them. Make one big 1-2 minute load when you first start up, and make the entire instance practically seamless, only loading new environment before you reach the part that's being loaded. The mobs despawn way too fast. I can't kill an extra mob and expect to loot the first one. The camera controls are a pain in the ass, especially on the Wiimote. Capcom still hasn't learned the word strafe with the camera ALWAYS behind the person, and Capcom insists on making the controls harder than they have to be. I can't believe I have to sheath my weapon manually just to loot. It should do that automatically. Sheesh, even Zelda does it.

    No target lock, or even better, just a portrait of the monster with a health bar...no strafe, no autoattack, no special attacks, or class specific ones, weapon sharpness is a pain in the ass...thank God they didn't add in thirst, no clear cut classes like a tank, dps, healer, and no stuns...

    PvP (if it even exists) must be easy since all you're allowed to do is run up and attack.
  3. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    it's still a very great game for anyones wii library, and if anyone owns a wii, this is a must buy if you love RPG titles or fun games that are similar to hack and slash or Phantasy star, of course this game is deeper then Phantasy star in terms of customization, and I really great game overall! I never played MH games before and I gotta say i'm hooked and a fan now, and after playing this game.. I don't think I can ever go back to normal wii titles that even try.

    my cons are lots of loading screens in each area. but there very fast, camera can be tricky, but does very well with classic controller, and wiispeak users can only speak to other wiispeak users, and Keyboard chat on the controller is a bit clunky, but perfect on the Wii keyboard.

    yes respawns of some monsters are a bit to quick, sometimes.
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I'll eventually buy this game when I get some monies to do so.

    It deserves the purchase in my opinion. The same as Mad World. :)

    I LOVE this game so much! I haven't played it for a few days, but when I do play it, it's usually for a couple of hours. :p