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Monster Hunter 3, help in general needed

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by jaimitovond, May 29, 2010.

  1. jaimitovond

    jaimitovond Well-Known Member

    Hello guys! As the title says, I need some help in Monster Hunter 3, Im not stuck or anything like that, I just want some general help since Im not entirely sure of doing things right.
    I just finished beating the Great Jaggi, and Im still with the 2nd armor of the game(Iron, I beleive). I know how to make Potions, Mega Potions and antidotes, but Id also like to know how to make Demon Drugs etc, and where to get the materials I need. I know you need a red mushroom(which I have already) but Id like to farm them so I dont have to go looking for them, so, how do I make it so the farmer cat can Farm mushrooms? Also, do you think I should get the full Great Jaggi armor before moving on?
  2. Lals

    Lals Member

    You just need to progress through the game really.. you will find might seeds during some of the lower level quests.. tbh, if you have online, get past the 3* urgent offline first, as that unlocks the longsword online. then, grind the low level quests offline, as these give better rewards than in offline. and, you can get better weapons to help you progress through offline that is harder to progress than without online weapons you have forged, if you wanna add me online(if you can) then search for Kerch, id be happy to help you grind through the online lower quests, could even get friends to help aswell :p

    Anyway back on topic.. Yes, get the great jaggi armor for now, uhh, blue mushrooms are found mostly in moga woods 2/3 and maybe 5 at times. same goes with honey. demondrug is Might Seed + Catalyst also you can go further than just a demondrug, gonna list below;

    DemonDrug + Pale Extract = Mega Demondrug

    Mega Demon Drug + Monster Bone M = Demon Horn (Horn used to increase attack to yourself and other people in the same area)

    Ill give you a link to the Monster hunter Wikia; that has Everything you will ever need to know about MH3;


    Yours, Kerch~
  3. jaimitovond

    jaimitovond Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot, you have no idea of how much the item list there is gonna help me. And I`ll probably get my wifi working next week, however, I would prefer to enjoy the offline for a while, maybe once I reach a good enough HR and get a good weapon could you help me with the Jhen Mohran?
  4. Lals

    Lals Member

    Well, you need to be on for the event, or be HR 27.. But sure, ill help you with Jhen :p