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Money Order Problem

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cowcat06, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    I bought a Nintendo DS Lite on Craigslist which I couldn't drive to their location to pick it up. I was able to send them a money order. It was for $110. I NEVER EVER recieved the system. I was supposed to get it on the 13th of this month. Now here it is weeks later. I am STEAMING MAD. I still have my money order reciet & their address. How do I get that money back? Will the USPS go after that person once I explain my problem? :'(
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    No they won't.

    You have proof that you sent money to them right?

    Then you can ask them to send you the system or you can file something in court to get the money back.
  3. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    I have the money order reciet-the info I paid for it. Will the USPS do anything? I don't want to take the problem to court.
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    No, they won't be able to do anything.

    I would just keep asking the people to send you the NDS Lite...

    If not, then ask for your money back...

  5. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    If the person sent the item through the USPS and it never arrived, then by all means, take it up with the USPS. If the person simply never sent it and the USPS has nothing to do with it, then just sue the bugger.

    Alternatively, post their address and other details on 4chan and let anon vigilantes mete out a steaming hot bowl of justice.
  6. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    I just emailed Craigslist & asked if they would track down their email. I explained the problem & I said I remember sniper being part of the email & the sender name Alexandra. Do you think Craigslist would help?
  7. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member


    But like tehuber said, if they sent the package, then go ask the USPS if they can do anything about it.

    If not, then get a refund.
  8. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    If they never sent the package I can get my money back w/my reciet?
  9. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    If you sue the guy, maybe. If you rob the guy, definitely, assuming he has enough money to steal. If you sick 4chan on him, you'll be getting your money's worth in vengeance...assuming they don't target you instead for being so easily scammed.
  10. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Yeah, maybe you were scammed. If so, its a money lost in that case, can't do anything about that. Is the seller legit? or just someone like on ebay that post rarely used cause the item is broken and i'm selling it on ebay type of person?
  11. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    Oh I don't know-he did mention something about a charity & how I helped raise enough money so I knew that sounded fishy so thanks to that Craigslist seller dude I lost $110. I'm now w/out money(that was all the money I had to spend-see I sold my ugly pink DS Lite & was going to get the white DS Lite which I never got) & now I'm w/out a Nintendo DS Lite. I now have to wait until my birthday to get a DS Lite which isn't until July. I don't like staring at my R4 card which can't be played because I have no system. :'(
  12. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    I feel sorry for you. Be careful next time and get a full address and verify it first before buying. I suggest you get his landline number if he has one so you can track him in the future... Its better to ask a lot of question and be a pain in the butt to the seller, than be scammed.
  13. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    You knew something sounded fishy but gave him your money anyway?
  14. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Well, its like the stock market. You just need trust for your money to grow. Sometimes stocks grow and sometimes it fails. In his situation, he trusted the guy for the item, but unfortunately, it was a scammer and he got scammed. And like the stock market, he needs to study first if the goods are good, or else, it will fail and somebody will get hurt.
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you were scammed. Craigslist tells you never to use money orders/western union or similar services. This is why.
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'd use paypal than money orders if I was you next time and I hate doing this via mail order unless it's an established safe vendor/high rating (ebay has these checks-only once I got scammed-the good were cheap fakes and I paid too much for a fake :( )

    Have you tried to contact the seller-a direct line to them via email-phone does help, if I can't contact them I'd run away (and thus why i don't use Craigslist)
  17. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I would never use craigslist and even ebay is useless, if someone wants to scam you they will, its a risk you take i only ever buy from sellers with hundreds of sales and 100% feedback.
    My friend sold thousands of pounds worth of stuff he didnt even have on ebay years ago, noones ever contacted him about it, he bought himself a new car with the money.
    Saturday my brother sold a car on ebay, when they came to pick it up they offered him half the money they had bought it for. when he refused they simply drove away.
    what can you do? they will just register a new account