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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by eldorrado57, Nov 5, 2008.

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  1. eldorrado57

    eldorrado57 Member

    How's it going? I'm eldorrado57, you may have seen me from various forums around the net.
    I found this site through a youtube link and it's looks pretty damn nifty if I say so myself.
    I don't know if I'll be making many posts but I'll try.
  2. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Hi and welcome to RomU!! I hope to see you alot in the forums!!
  3. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Nice Owen Hart pic in your signature. His loss was a tragedy.

    On a lighter note, welcome to RomUlation, I hope to see you in the forums. ;D
  4. eldorrado57

    eldorrado57 Member

    Cool thanks guys ;D

    Yes Owen Hart was a great man and my favourite wrestler. I like the way the European title looks on Brian Pillman in the picture so that's why I chose it
  5. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Brian Pillman...... yet another great loss. Don't forget The British Bulldog..... Damn, too many great ones are gone. Soon WWE will be able to release a "Fallen Legends" game. I'd like to see that, as long as it was a tribute and not cashcow.
  6. eldorrado57

    eldorrado57 Member

    Sorry it took an eternity to reply to this ::)
    A WWE 'Fallen Legends' game would be a brilliant idea but most likely done poorly. Also they probably wouldn't include Owen since his widow Martha is still very bitter at WWE for the accident and won't let them so much as mention him on TV.
    Legends of Wrestlemania should be good since it's going to feature new motions for the moves but THQ most usually f**k everything up just when you think it's going to be good.
  7. zinectics

    zinectics Well-Known Member

    welcome to RomU eldorrado57

    hope you have a good time staying here at the forums ^^,
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