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Missing Trusty Staff

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Fennyariel, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. Fennyariel

    Fennyariel Well-Known Member

    I'm playing Golden Sun Dark Dawn and I think my game's busted! I'm looking at the smith's wares under artifacts but he doesn't have the trusty staff. I've also gone through everybody's stuff twice and I haven't already bought it either! Could somebody please help?! I don't want to miss that djinni!
  2. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    Maybe you're missing an event/a talk with someone. It's for getting one of the djinns, so it's not life-threateningly bad or anything. Either go back and talk to everyone in the hut + the village to see if it appears or ignore it/get a new rom.
  3. Fennyariel

    Fennyariel Well-Known Member

    No, I found out what it was. See at first I thought only the smiths bought ans sold artifacts. I never knew that the item shop girls delt in them too! ;v) So after I learned that I went to her and there it was! ;v)