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Missing the good 'ol times

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CainMasters, Dec 16, 2007.

  1. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    I truly miss the good 'ol times and I mean the RPGs in particular.

    I mean lots of the older games were like "oh god damnit I can't keep myself from playing on" for example the great series suikoden(just dare to disagree).

    Among all the DS games that exist so far I did not really find anything similar to my description.

    Oh btw if you do not know suikoden here is an interesting vid :

  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I have noticed this too, game developers in general seem to be getting complacent. There is too much focus on the 'bells and whistles' in the game and not enough on the core components, such as gameplay and well thought out controls, involving storyline etc. Photo-realistic graphics are awesome, but they alone dont make a game. Looking back at some of the games I used to play, such as Betrayal at Krondor (Who else remembers that one?), yeah the graphics are shit by comparison to modern games, but I get a lot more enjoyment out of it than some modern ones I've played.
  3. err

    err Well-Known Member

    Agreed, the new, more "advanced" RPG's are getting more complicated and boring every year.
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    THANK GAWD!!! Here in Manila every Pinoy gamer snubbed the Suikoden series coz it was not a Square Enix title ergo, they thaught it was lame. :-[

    But I for one thought it was awesome, why? Coz it remained true to the "classical" feel of rpgs where you're in this mythical age & you don't frickin' have'ta deal with love, romance & all that crap that Square Enix injected in their games, starting from FF7. Boo I say!!!!
  5. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    I agree suikoden is a frikin sweet game. But (just a theory) perhaps at that time rpg was still a rather new concept. Therefore people find it interesting to play. After years and years of game designers making the same 'kids trying to save the world from bad guys and have to kill monsters to get stronger' concept, the fun wears off.
  6. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member


    nope rpg wasn`t a new concept at that time it was more like alraedy ten years old.
  7. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    a very nice and with a very nice storyline rpg i found is dragon quest viii for ps2... gosh, what a game...
  8. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    No one has mentioned final fantasy yet. I thought everyone liked it so much. As for me, aside from final fantasy 7, I didn't like the other FF series story line.
  9. ultra

    ultra Guest

    maybe it has became exhausted. if they use the same formula from a game then they may get bad reviews.
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Have you played FF5 & FF6? Those 2 are arguably THE best FF ever!! :) :) Yeah they maybe 16-bit sprites but each character had their own "rounded" personality, ergo each character is distinct Locke is kinda like Lupin III, wooing girls with his tongue (both figuratively & literally) while his fast hands did everything, Shadow's the typical "I work alone" ninja guy who in truth is also haunted by a sad past, Terra (or Tina in the Jap version) is confused as too her existence (coz she's half human & half summons, but this also can have another interpretation, as how me & my friends did. She was confused just like any teeners when they hit puberty).

    FF6 also has the "love & romance aspect the later FF games have, but it doesn't dominate the story. Just like in FF8, the story revolved around Squall falling in love with Rinoa.Also, what's with the fascination with snobby bitchy girls?? In FF7 Cloud falls for Aeris, & I heard that when she died many FF7 gamers cried & it became a big thing on the net. She's lame people hello!!! When she died I felt good coz Cloud was better off with Tiffa, who's not just hot but can fend off for her own.

    In FF8 I really hated Rinoa coz she's such a snob & a cry baby. The japanese are still chauvenists thinking women are most beatiful when you can have your way with them PIGS!!!
  11. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i guess no body here have ever played Atelier Iris, or else they wont say there is not good RPG like the old days

    but i might be wrong since RPG i not my main gaming genre, i'm more into Action RPG like Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Silent Hill...you get the idea.....

    Edit: Cahos Rahne Veloza, i guess romance story arent your type or else you wont say FF8 suk
  12. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    Buddy you forgot THE best char of FF6 good 'ol Sabin/ Mash himself.
  13. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member


    Sorry. I'm not a fan of FF let alone RPG's
  14. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    i don't believe metal gear is a rpg, either is resident evil, at least the fourth...
  15. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    I still don't get the definition of an RPG. It stands for role playing game right? Technically every game you play, you play a role of a character. Huh maybe they should change it to 'run around dungeons and level up game'
  16. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Metal Gear is a "Stealth Ops" game similar to its copy-cat game splinter Cell. Resident Evil is a Survival Horror game.

    Romance is cool if done properly FF games (the later ones) suck coz as I said it uses the Japanese concept of a Burly guy falling for a weakly girl, unlike in FF6 Celes, a kick ass soldier girl falling in love with Locke, now that's cool.

    Personaly I loved Gogo, to bad he never returned on the newer FF games :D

    Another good "romance story" in an RPG is Lufia's Maxim & Selan, now there's a hottie for ya ;D

    For Hentai lovers the best EVER hantai RPG are the Xentar Knights series hehe
  17. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well there is couple of differ type RPG in video game up to date, the most common RPG as most people lable as RPG is actually Adventure RPG (game like FF or similar fall into this), and then there is Action RPG (game like Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil or those simiar fall into this), there is also Cinematic RPG which is an enchance version of either Adventure RPG or Action RPG (Metal Gear Solid 3 is a very good example of this, it is a playable movie)

    note: Any next gen game is either Cinematic Action RPG or Cinematic Adventure RPG, then later the game is divided into Shooting, Stealth Ops, or any other depend on the gaming experience they deliver.

    Romance arent suppose to be view as "cool", and FF game with romance theme like FF8 or FFX is deeper then just a cool guy fall in love with a girly girl...but i guess you are too young to understand those theme...so i dont blame you if you said those story suks...
  18. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Hey Calvin 0 are you by any chance a high school or college jock who thinks girls should just be "easy on the eyes", coz it seems like it lol

    People, Metal Gear is not I repeat not an rpg!!! it's a military tactics game. Resident evil is a survival horror game!!

    If it ain't involves you going on Quests to butcher some monster, earn "experience points" (which btw is the main feature of an rpg), level up then gain abilities, it ain't an rpg,DUH!!!

    The term RPG comes from "role playing game" as in Dungeons & Dragons, you know that game geeks & nerds played back in the 80's & 90's that invoved you to "create" your hero on pen & paper assigning him a rank & abilities & you go exploring a make believe world with the aid of dice & a story teller or dungeon master as he's called.For you newbies it's kinda like that MMORPG stuff that's in nowadays.

    & what's with I'm young crack, dude I'm almost 30 & I know what love is dawg!!!

    And let me tell you: Square sucks when it comes to telling love stories. You said FFX, okay I'll ask you this, isn't Yuna kinda lame, if it isn't for the fact that she is a summoner I'd say she's kinda like a retard, c'mon people she's always aloof & doesn't seem to "notice" what's around her, & going I must kill sin that's what's most important!! This btw is clearly something influence heavily by Anime that came out at about the same time this game did, my best example is "Elementar Gerad", their story is strikingly similar, Coud finds Ren, a mystical being that turns into a weapon who feverishly "needs" to go to a place called "the Eidel Garden" (please don't ask for the details that anime sucked ass), & so the story revolves around Coud taking the bitch to the place with her not realizing that Coud was falling for her. And what's with the Japanese' sick fetish with love between a robot, alien or what not, sheeesh!! Why didn't they just stuck with Astroboy, kimba, Mazinger Z & the rest of those old stuff, those were good times I tell ya.

    Compare her to FF6's Celes, she maybe artificially created but at least her character's well defined, plus she kicks ass too!! Tidus was better of choosing either Rikku or that other girl (sorry I forgot her name).Oh & speaking of Tidus his english voice actor sucks ass too LAME LAME!!! Not like big daddy Locke, Sabin or Edgar!!

    Have you played Lunar Silver Star Story or Lunar Eternal Blue? Now there're 2 RPG's that clearly defines how love & romance should be employed in a game!!! Also, the girls in those games "learn" to overcome the weak girl image and stand up for something.

    In LSSS, Luna is a typical village girl, beautiful, has a "godessly" voice, is graceful but not a prick like Yuna, who's kinda like Paris Hilton lol. Jessica maybe tomboyish but that's coz she's half beast!! And the other girl (I forgot her name) maybe a princess but she ain't no stuck up prick!!!

    In LEB, Luccia, a girl somewhat like Yuna (she's a godess who don't know squat about love & such) learns the magic of love & friendship. Jeane, maybe easy on the eyes with her alluring gypsie dance moves but that only hides her dark past as a highly trained assassin, and Lemina, again a princess is a feisty business minded bitch who'll use her brains & magic to make a profit to save the once famous, now dumpy Vane.

    Now tell me, from FF7 onwards (except FF9 coz that game kinda passes for me) was there any girl character Square Enix introduced that we're cooler than FF6's Terra Celes & Relm ok so Relm's just a kid but she's mature for her age??

    The fact is FF7 FF8 FFX & FFX-2 (I don't know of FF11 FF12 & FF13, haven't played them yet) were heavily influenced by the current trend in Japanese pop culture which I find to be very atrocious.FFX-2 in particular with that disgusting girl band intro, sheesh!!! And no, that wasn't European or American inspired, the Japanese have their own sick pop culture too!!
  19. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    buddy you've just earned my respect.

    I think I could talk with you about the GOOD games for years yet as lazy as I am(don`t like typing walls of text) I'll have to postphone that.
  20. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    THANKS DUDE :) :)

    You know it was my dream to be a part of a videogame review show or magazine coz I'm a veteran gamer but there're no such shows or magazines here in the Philippines, so woe is me!!

    Anyway most gamers nowadays think that good games have to be "graphically" outstanding, regarding content, its like eating a hero sandwich, but with bread no filling,get it? ;)