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Mishy's Portfolio...(Very Image Heavy!!!)

Discussion in 'Portfolios' started by Mishy, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    All signatures are pretty much in order...








































    [​IMG] (For a banner contest, I might make a different one though.)

    [​IMG](FOR SOTW #6, I haven't done a thing in a long while....so here it is.)

    [​IMG](BANNER CONTEST (same one as earlier) ON THAT SERVER I PLAY AT)

    [​IMG](Since I have been playing Pokemon Platinum, I made a sig of one of my favorite Pokemon.)

    [​IMG](For my friend Hutchy, of her favorite Pokemon.)

    [​IMG](For my boyfriend and his XBOX Live username featuring Victor Hoffman of Gears of War 2)
  2. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    lol Wow I never really noticed it but you made a lot of graphics eh Mishy? :p
  3. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I have. The first 4 were done using PaintShop Pro that a friend let me use. The rest were all used in GIMP. I'm kind of happy by how much I've progressed though.
  4. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Yeah I can really see the differences and progression. Great job!
  5. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Your the only that seems to think so. :(
  6. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    its nice to see that SOTW is helping you to deviate from the bulk of RO sigs lol.
  7. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    I would think that's my main reason for having a slump. :(

    I kind of got tired of making a RO signature like every few days/weeks.

    I might even take said SOTW renders and make new signatures for them trying different methods. :)
  8. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    No I swear a lot of people commented in the Signature thread saying how much you're improving.. Am I right?
  9. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    I guess. I think I paid more attention to the harsh criticism majority of the time. Plus, I was really shy in the beginning. Now, I don't mind so much.
  10. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Well the only reason you paid attention to the harsh criticism most of the time was to get better, and you did right?
  11. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Wow! You can see how much you have improved!
    Overrall very nice work :)
  12. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I do appreciate it though. Without it, I think I would have been stuck doing terrible signatures.

    Thank you CJ. I didn't think I could get better in the amount of time I have.
  13. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    It's not about time, it's about skill and effort.
    That's why you do well, BTW when did you start?
  14. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Not long after I joined...In September last year.
  15. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Well thats not bad, considering how good those graphics look compared to my crappy ones :p I only made like 5 or 6 sigs and 4 were from MS Paint... lol
    The other 2 were from GIMP but they weren't that great... I just like other people making sigs for me because they look way better than what I can do... I can ask you to make me one sometime :p lol
  16. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Hey cool, I started in November I think... (i'll dig around my PB account) You improve fast , you surpassed me in like 2 months
  17. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    I won't have a problem with that, just shoot me a PM and the render you want used.

    Well, everyone learns at their own pace. I'm still trying to find more GIMP tutorials though. Quite hard I might add.
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Tutorials? People actually use them? I felt like a noob reading what layers are so I stopped

    I might read a few if people that are talented use them because that's not noobish...
  19. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    I don't find anything noobish when you want to learn something. I wouldn't have got better at using GIMP if I didn't take the time to:

    -Play around with the program
    -Watch YouTube videos demonstrating techniques.
    -Reading tutorials with visuals to help me learn about the technique being used.

    Like they say, "Knowledge is Power". And I apply that to every signature now-a-days. :)
  20. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Hmm, well I'll look around if I can make sigs as good as you by using tutorials ^_^

    Though I get a strange feeling of satisfaction doing things without any sort of explanation or help...