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Microsoft Lights Up GDC With Red Ring of Death

Discussion in 'Microsoft' started by sir spamalot, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member


    the roflcopter is laughing at microsoft

  2. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Wow....incredible....totally worth a thread of it's own...

    You know....I think maybe, just maybe, the Xbox being locked in that plastic case for hours upon end without any discernible airflow may have caused that ring of light...

    If a console has a problem with overheating, the last thing you want to do is lock it in a plastic case in the middle of a room full of sweaty geeks....

    Then again it could have been just a loose power cord...
  3. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    "That's pretty embarrassing."

    QFT. Amen. Tru dat. Yeah. That's setting a bad example. :p
  4. kaiden

    kaiden Well-Known Member

    you know at concerts how people pull out their lighters and .....
    what if you replaced that with 360's with Red Rings?
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Haha, I've not heard of anything so amusing from Microsoft since Windows 98 bluescreened at Comdex ;D
  6. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update, It is truely embarassing for them :p
  7. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    lmao well done M$..... well done.....

    well my 360's fine, if it ever does RRoD then ive got the 10yr extended warranty and the guy where I bought it from is scared of me so ill have no problem getting a swap :p
  8. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    I guess this belongs in Microsoft discussion, so moved.
  9. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Now that's an embarrassment.
  10. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    There was a RRoD'd 360 in Toys 'R' Us for months. The idiots there are too lazy to replace it. :p
  11. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    This was the funnest thing I ever read... About a week ago! :p

    Still embarrassing thou.
  12. mastersrp

    mastersrp Well-Known Member

    The ___ ___ of Death is a symbol of microsoft, maybe they should have a BOSD with a RROD as their logo xD
  13. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    awww, what an embarassment!

    i earned my day, fellas. :p
  14. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    exactly what i thought

    i bought a rid ringer today off ebay, going to fix it up and flash it. nice cheap 360
  15. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    You probably outbid me so.... :(
  16. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i got two that day both for cheap and now they are both working lovely so one will be back on ebay and the other i'm going to mod the hell out of it