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Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by protolan, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. protolan

    protolan Member

    I recently bought Metroid Prime 3 for the Wii and was wondering is someone could fill in the back story from Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2. I haven't played them and don't plan on playing them. I got the gist of the story from Wikipedia and other sites, I've also played Metroid Zero Mission and Fusion, so I understand most of the story. I want a summary of the events that occurred in the first 2, NOT walkthroughs/opinions, reviews etc. So could someone please tell me the story?

    Thanks a lot!
  2. cafre

    cafre Active Member

    well the saga of metroid is divided in two parts. the prime and the normal. the metroid fusion ocurs after the events of metroid 3(for super nintendo, ii think this is the best metroid ever),now the metroid zero mission is a ramake of the frist metroid(nes) but with more history about how sammmmus get the suit. finally the prime saga,well i think they just creat it to make the game a new gameplay beacuse the history dont have a good time line. actually metroid dont have a relly history is more like mission. i hope this will help you . ;D
  3. protolan

    protolan Member

    Yeah I understand the timeline, but their is a story in 2 prime's. Something about the Tarvon IV and other things, that's what I want to know.
  4. AetherMaster

    AetherMaster Well-Known Member

    Hope this helps :)

    Prime 1:

    Prime 2:

    Spoiler (Prime 3) [highlight to read]:
    Space Pirates shut down Galactic Federation computer systems and then engage in large scale combat in an attempt to further spread Phazon. Enormous Phazon-based seedships, known as Leviathans, impact planets and begin corrupting them with Phazon. Samus is charged with destroying the 'Phazon Seeds' and restoring functionality to the Federation's computer network. After purging three planets of Phazon (including the Space Pirate homeworld), the Federation locates the source of Phazon, planet Phaaze, which is made entirely of Phazon. As the Federation engages the Space Pirates in orbit, Samus enters the depths of the planet, and succeeds at finally destroying Dark Samus and Phazon once and for all.
  5. protolan

    protolan Member

    Thanks, that helped a lot! I beat the game yesterday too!