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Metroid other m- thoughts (and future of metroid)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by mds64, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    Sure, it's not fusion, nor super metroid in terms of sheer perfection, but this is a great effort by team ninja!

    -For retired veterans (people who played the originals but stopped playing) and newbs to the series, it was made to appeal to
    -Graphics while not crips and hi res, were still catchy
    -Typical metroid story, always awesome :)
    -Controls, while simple, allow just about anyone with half a brain to play despite forcing you to switch from side scrolling "classic pad" play to motion controlled "first person" play
    -About the right game length for a metroid game (and especially for me with dead rising 2 coming out this same month :p )
    -The game being made by team ninja, means it's sorta blended with a ninja gaiden game, some gameplay mechanics are closer to ninja gaiden than metroid (wall jumping doesn't require d pad switching) and even some music pieces are from ninja gaiden (listen for those creepy tones :) )
    -Voice acting in a metroid game to better tell story-FINALLY!!!!!!!!
    -Ridley is back!

    -There is a game breaking glitch in sector 3, if you encounter it, unless you have more than one save file and read the threads online, your gonna have to restart the game all over again
    -Would of better appealed to active veterans aka hard cores if they used the classic controller pad and ditched the first person view (it does take a bit of getting used to to flipping your remote all the time if your aiming for a perfect run)
    -If you dislike anything to ninja gaiden then this will kill your metroid dreams instantly
    -Graphics COULD of been better (but keep in mind, it was so that the game can run well while looking good all at once-though I did encounter a small bout of LAG)
    -D pad used in a 3-D game feels alien and could lead to wrong jumps
    -Samus likes to draw out too much words in her thoughts (do shut up :( )
    -Ridley is back!

    This is not a review, this is just my thoughts...I loved this.

    8.5 overall.

    [me=hYpNoS]is pleased with his final wii game for the year[/me]


    Also, after playing this...I'm wondering why they haven't done any more recent (story wise) metroid games.

    The last 5 games (prime 1,2,3, hunters and other m) have just added bits here and there inbetween metroid 1, 2 and now after super metroid...

    I just want to know...without metroids...or the x parasite's and even the space pirates...what can samus do now?

    She is a partial metroid herself, surely they can use that?
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    I'm liking it and I'm liking Samus' personality. Her head is a bit wordy but I'd imagine listening in on anybody's thoughts being too wordy. I don't mind it a lot though, develops Samus more as a human than just a bounty hunter who kills and stuff with little repercussions.

    I've read a lot that people think she's whining constantly about her past experiences. Which totally isn't the case. And that she's following orders under Adam. It makes sense, as Adam's a father figure to her, it only makes sense for her to obey him.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?


    Also a little spoiler to those who played fusion...

    The "nightmare" is back, i couldn't believe it when I killed the bastard, shame that he only has one phase and not 2 (when you blow his face plate off
    EDIT: ok so he came back to life...what a NIGHTMARE that was...and there is a queen omega metroid, what a fun battle...NOT (bs hard)!
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    I really am enjoying the game. Once I get some money saved up, I'll eventually buy it to support them. :)
    And same thoughts as above.
  5. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    I absolutely loved the game. I'm saying this as a hardcore metroid fan. It is one of the best games I have played in awhile on the Wii.
    The game looks great, controls great, story is good, it's nice that Samus is given some nice human emotions, it's challenging at times, but still pretty fun. Only negatives are that the VO Work can sound a little "Meh" at times, and some of the writing can be "Meh" too.
  6. ultra

    ultra Guest

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    the ultimate paradox!
    how does something extinct be made alive?!

    the dinosaurs are long dead. how do we make unbeatable dinosaurs?! rofl! what the hell were they thinking?!

    this game is bad! if you paid $50 and played this game, you got suckered. this game is a good rental for the sake of curiousity. other then that, it's not worth owning! i don't know what the hell nintendo were thinking in making this game.

    this game is the seal of a dead game made by nintendo! nintendo, or rather sakamoto killed metroid.
  7. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    Didn't you watch Jurassic Park?

    Also, do you mean bad as in good, or bad as in horrible?

    I thought this game was amazing to say the least.
  8. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    one persons sh.. is another persons gold
  9. ultra

    ultra Guest

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    here's another example,
    during the first boss, she just saved all their lives. then they want her to follow all their commands if she's going to stick around?! it doesn't make sense. she's a rebel! where's the thanks by the way for saving your asses back there?!

    she's not with the federation, so why should she or why is she under his jurisdiction?! clearly she left the federation and pursued other opportunities.

    this games a big joke. this game killed metroid!

    he asked for opinions and i'm giving him my opinion.
  10. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    They also helped out killing the first boss, Ultra. It's not like Samus did it alone.

    All it did was created the splintered character. which is a huge no no in writing. But I'm glad it was done, all it did was destroy the preconceptions that people had about Samus.

    Also, it's funny how at first you spurted out nonsensical posts, now it's all about trolling.
  11. ultra

    ultra Guest

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    what makes you think the team were able to kill the first boss?! because there were several people in the team carrying guns??

    they couldn't even open the locked door in the begining!!

    this game is a big joke!

    you have all the arsenal in your pack and you need to get approval from some dude?! it's a joke!!

    this is my take on this game. if you like this game, then that is quality for you and it's fine because i'm not here to make judgement on you or what you like as i'm here to post my comments on the subject matter. but this game is just too funny. i really love the metroid games but this game is just sad for a metroid fan.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    You're assuming too much, the team would've gotten that door to open eventually, and they would've killed the first boss since they had freeze guns and from there they could've easily killed it by themselves.

    I'm a Metroid fan and I like this game. I wouldn't say it's better than Super Metroid, but it's good. The only sad part about it, is that it broke your preconception about who Samus is. It's one thing to say that you don't like the character or story, but it's another thing to call the game a joke.
  13. ultra

    ultra Guest

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    are you a metroid fan from the original nes or from the snes?
  14. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    None, but I've played every Metroid minus Metroid 2. I think my favorite Metroid game is Super Metroid, then Fusion. I didn't really like playing through the first NES one, it was more of a chore to go through that.
  15. ultra

    ultra Guest

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    my question asked, which metroid game made you into a fan? was it when you first played metroid 1, metroid 2, super metroid, etc...?
  16. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    Metroid Prime.
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: Metroid other m thoughts?

    You gotta play 2, though...until you meet the basic metroids fighting all the new types is a chore.

    I liked the first, bet it under 2 hours, need to do it in zero suit for bikini ending XD

    As for this question...

    The first, at the time I never heard of samus etc, and at this point the n64 was out for months, and it was a bargin basement game...I thought it was a rip off of contra at first until I read about the entire history...and realised it was the game before super metroid...

    So technically I fell in love with super metroid but at the age (7) I was brainless and couldn't even open a simple door...now I went back...and fell in love with all things metroid :)

    1st of all, the door bit was just the questionable "ok I give you permission" crap, plus it's part of the cut scene...remember samus's suit is amde with chozo technology, more advanced than federation suit tech (they only had freeze guns remember?)

    As for that first boss, if samus was allowed to use the freeze gun she'd own that thing on her own, it's just the pacing of the game...really this was more of a "how to use fps view" than a boss fight.

    She just had respect for adam deep down, she was young, which was why she left, and if you beat the game you'd understand why she left...she is no "rebel", just a loner.

    Speaking of which, i need to beat super metroid and prime 3!
  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I tried playing it and I just hate it. The game aged worse than the original Metroid, I'm sure it was alright at the time but it's nearly unplayable now. It's way up into Samus' business all the time and it's just nauseating. I'm patiently waiting for that remake to come out if it ever does.
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'd doubt 2 would be remade.

    If not for the fact it's supposed to be an entire planet that's...more maze like than anything else I'd be fine.

    I liked it, but trying to get around invisible obstacles was annoying, same problem as the first...except you can see some this time.

    Fighting omega metroids was a highlight-TERRIFYING BIG THINGS FLYING ALL OVER!

    And the queen...is a bitch.
  20. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    fucking bitch kiss my ass