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Metroid Other M help

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by finalmario, Aug 29, 2010.

  1. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    Okay,so i beat the game and now i'm trying to get all items.There are alot i'm stuck on,but the main one is the one in Main Sector.The one that on the map is located on the top of the room where Samus' ship is.I found a door on the inside to go outside to that point,but its locked.How do i open it,or is there another way to get there?
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Tried first person mode?
  3. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    Acturally,i just got it last night.If you had played this game yet,you would know what im talking about with the room that early in the game you blow up(or gets blowen up..I cant remember) with the glass and the i think its computers and stuff.Well theres something over there that you blow up with a missle,and leads you to what i needed.

    I have 98% now.This is for anyone who has 100% because i doubt people who havent beat the story yet would know these two item spots:

    One is in Sector 2.Near the top of the screen.Heres a pic.(Not very good quality) http://img192.imageshack.us/i/0829102217a.jpg/

    And the other one is in a place that you dont get to till the end of the game,so i guess i'll put this one in spoilers.

    The research center or something? If anyone knows how to get the item where,in a room that i think is the bggest in the place,you see a tube.Where you get the item.But how do you get in the tube?Or is there another path?
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Don't ruin it for me, but I found a complete walkthrough last night. It has pictures as well.

  5. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    What the games out i've got to get it.
  6. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    I saw that,for I go on IGN alot.Its not finished yet though.It useally takes them weeks maby months to complete a walkthrough.I know this from Super Matio Glaxy 2.
    Post Merge: [time]1283173673[/time]
    The offical release is tomorrow,but i got it about 3 or 4 days before.
  7. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    Damn i could of got it earlier.
  8. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I got it the day it was dumped by iND.
    That was Thursday or so.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    Opinion-If any of you respected the series you'd by it so they make another, this game is good...yet flawed...

    If it reaches decent sales they might let team ninja PERFECT it.

    What I'm saying-I might buy this soon :)
  10. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    Who said i wasnt going to buy it?Maby when prices go down atleast 5 bucks at Gamestop,i'll buy it.It is somewhat flawed,but i would like to see another Metroid game with this concept.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    How long is the game one a rough play thru, not 100%?

    How long have you pent and how long did it take to just beat the story?

    ...I need a 10 hour game without 100% completion at least.
  12. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    For me,about 10 hours.Mostly because i got stuck a few times.And the game is pretty tough,wich i like.

    100% probally about 14 hours.But my playtime is 14 hours and something right now and i only have 98%.Not 100.
    Post Merge: [time]1283202364[/time]
    Never mind guys.Dont need help anymore.Got 100%.
  13. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Are the control the same as the First DS games?

    I seriusly want a 2D metroid =/
  14. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    just get off this forum cause 1. this isnt on ds 2. there wasnt a 2d metroid on ds unless you count pinball 3. if you want a 2d metroid get an emulator
  15. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    That's a bit harsh. What the hell is wrong with you?
  16. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    1- So...?
    2- yes I know.
    3- Beaten already.

    I believe you wanted to say "Get out of this topic". Which is fine.