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Metal Gear

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Blaze107, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. Blaze107

    Blaze107 Well-Known Member

    I'm playing Metal Gear Solid on epsxe and until now I haven't found any problems (besides Mantis). However I just got to the torture scene and I cant survive. Is there any "trick" to beat, like auto fire or something? PS I know Ocelot just adviced against this but I'm kinda desperate.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    if I remember right this changes the game ending. giving in gives you one ending, surviving gives you a different ending.
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Giving in will give you the ending where Merryll is dead, surviving will give you the ending where she lives, but you'll have an extra sub mission, retrieve Otakon.

    I never did get that ending 'cause it's friggin' hard, but some of my friends got through, they have this ability where they can rapidly press buttons as if they were using a turbo equipped gamepad

    And about that hint:

    I've heard rumors that you plug your turbo equipped gamepad on slot 2, just like Mantis's mission, so Ocelot can't "detect" it
  4. link1438

    link1438 Well-Known Member

    Well, it seems your Torture problem is fixed, but your Mantis problem was you needed to configure the second controller, as well as the first, it works (I tryed it) because you cant change the controller half way through the game, you would be able to in the real game... but in this case, just stick with that.

    Oh, and Meryl doesn't actually die... because even if you ended that way, how would she be alive in MGS4? (Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots)
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Well she could have just quit the military or the Colonel, her father got too traumatized by what had happened to her & insisted she quits or maybe she & Snake got married
  6. link1438

    link1438 Well-Known Member

    The Colonel is her Uncle. They DONT get married, Meryl is like 40 in MGS4 and Snake is like 80... maybe 70...
  7. Blaze107

    Blaze107 Well-Known Member

    Meh, I gave up. So what if a woman just got killed because I can´t mash a keyboard fast enough (guilt). As a sidenote, just today I got a xbox 360 controller. But I don´t fell like going through the game again just for her (moar guilt). Since I´m on that, how do I get to play epsxe with my controller.

    Oh and I think MGS has 2 endings. The one where Meryll DOES NOT dies is the real one.
  8. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    ^ Wireless or wired? You will need the Xbox360 controller drivers from the microsoft website for either wired or wireless, also you need the microsoft xbox360 wireless controller adapter if its a wireless controller.
  9. Blaze107

    Blaze107 Well-Known Member

    Meh, never mind. Got it.
  10. ph15h

    ph15h New Member

    Snake's actually just like 40 something. It's Foxdie that's making him age and look older, not his actual age.

    Yes, they DONT get married, but they do live together for awhile before he disappears for MGS2.

    THe Colonel is her uncle. Non-Canonically, he's her father. But that's if you fail at the torture and get the alternate ending for MGS1.
  11. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Wonder how they actually tied up the lose end in MGS 4 if you took the Meryl Dies ending.
  12. Sprite

    Sprite Well-Known Member

    The main reason for the intense aging was due to snake being the result of the Les Enfants Terrible project.


    At the close of MGS, Liquid Snake mentions that He and Snake were part of an elaborate cloning scheme to get the best genetic code from the Big Boss. An Embryo was made and 8 seperate Foetus' were developed, however, 6 of them were later terminated to provoke growth in the remaining two, One of which was Liquid Snake and one of which was Solid Snake. The resulting two had a genetic imbalance, whereas unlike identical twins, Solid Snake got the genetics which were considered desirable and to balance it out, Liquid got the inferior genetics.

    It may be the other way around however, according to good old wiki, a phone conversation involving ocelot hints at it being the other way around.

    However, at the end of MGS1, Snake still has the FOXDIE virus in his system, and it hinted that FOXDIE may be a contributing factor to his aging, as well as the dubious way he was brought into existence.

    For the tl;dr: Snake is a clone, clones age faster :p
  13. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    A chick who diggs metal gear. You are a God sent. :D
  14. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    That's nothing Solus, I knew a girl or lady now who's into Duke Nukem ;D
  15. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Im not ineterested in duke nukem. Metal Gear is my life.
  16. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Umm my point is there are some girls who are really hardcore out there, they're just very hard to find
  17. phoiX

    phoiX Member

    i can´t change disc on metal gear solid can anyone help me?
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    explain-using iso files or the actual disc?

    If iso-are you using epsxe's iso loader-or a virtual driver?