personally i think all the metal gears are awesome! so im totally bias on answering this lol i just wanted to what other ppl think of this awesome game!
And ac!d. I have only completed twin snakes, a remake of the i have a fair bit to learn here.
Man...metal gear solid 2 suck ass..but story is grandiose-the most grandiose in the series. Metal gear solid 3 -the most unique coz-it's in the jungle and doesn't not involve the Patriots (directly) Metal gear solid 4 is overrated-more cut scenes than gameplay.
Why post? I played the main three of the Solid series. I loved the first one, along with the second one (if you get past Raiden's baby-like personality, it's fun) and I really really liked MGS4. I hated MGS3, I didn't like it, I spent more time in menus taking out bullets, eventually I got tired of the jungle, I got tired of everything, it didn't help that the storyline wasn't as nonsensical as the previous ones. I play MGS for the gameplay, so I didn't understand the story in MGS2 (as I skipped the 20 minute cutscene at the end), and MGS4 filled me in, in an hour long cutscene. I loved MGS4, the gameplay was superb and the storyline is a beautiful mess.
I like MGS2 because I've completed it a number of times. MGS1 would be my second. Then MGS for the GBC because its epic. MGS3 I've never played MGS4 because I don't feel like watching a movie.
I votefor MGS 3. The first time I play it I skip most of the Cutscenes though. When I replay it, the story is a good one.
all of them are just perfect,cause all of them are supposed to be 1 lol,cause it would be unfair saying that one was better than the other,and guys its metal gear we are talking about HELL YEAH!!!!