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Metal Gear Online

Discussion in 'RomUlation Online' started by Miyu Hoshino, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. Miyu Hoshino

    Miyu Hoshino Member

    Does anyone play MGO here??
  2. DeadVirus0

    DeadVirus0 Member

    I do. However, it's been awhile. Mostly because of Killzone 2... and the release of the Choppa class for Orcs in Warhammer Online. I am cleverly named: Dead Virus.
  3. BerserkChip

    BerserkChip Active Member

    I haven't played in a while because of Dissidia, but I've been meaning to get back to it. My character name is "Jotham-Grey"
  4. Miyu Hoshino

    Miyu Hoshino Member

    are you guys from the NA server or EU? I'm from the EU.
  5. BerserkChip

    BerserkChip Active Member

    IDK. whichever server is default in the US.
  6. Miyu Hoshino

    Miyu Hoshino Member

    ah damn, i'm from Australia so i'm on the European servers :(
  7. geordanuk

    geordanuk New Member

    Yeah I play it every now and then, albeit CoD4 consumes more of my gaming time than anything else, but I do still play MGO from time to time
  8. chico420

    chico420 New Member

    yeah i used to play a lot with my bro he was so obsessed with that game it was crazy. he beat it in like 2weeks lol. never stopped playing.
  9. xmasterchefx

    xmasterchefx Well-Known Member

    Too many games have pulled me away from MGO. Killzone 2, Call of Duty (basically all of the CoD games still have strong online communities), World of Warcraft and a bunch of other games. I play on US servers, named "SnakeSnipe" or something like that, haven't played in a while.
  10. al2colo

    al2colo New Member

    no srry xD