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Megaupload Shut Down, Founder Arrested

Discussion in 'General News' started by Devon, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Source: http://www.3news.co.nz/Megaupload-founder-arrested-in-Auckland-site-shut-down/tabid/412/articleID/240007/Default.aspx
  2. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Aw fuck.
  3. Shadowly

    Shadowly Member

    fuuuuuuu- I JUST bought premium. Doesn't look like there will be any refunds either.
  4. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Now i'm gonna have to torrent my Wii games

  5. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member


    (Longer article)

    ... This isn't good news. This means other sites like RapidShare, Mediafire, ... soon follow.
    Why? If this is the start of that stupid SOPA act... well... they are using it wrong.
  6. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    Tsk tsk
    This is why you never vote against piracy
  7. yassine1

    yassine1 Well-Known Member

    This is unbelievable ...

  8. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    I am keeping a close eye on this subject.
    Even somebody from the Netherlands is arrested. I read that every employee is arrested. Everyone of them
  9. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    Thats taking too far.
    Doesnt matter the public is more then likely to bail them out
  10. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    SOPA didn't pass, they still have to vote on it, i really doubt that SOPA is the cause.
  11. asdfth12

    asdfth12 Well-Known Member

    Aww... This means that I'ma gonna have to start using Rapidshit again.

    Anyway, the indidments for the arrested people were filed on the 5th. So this isn't spur of the moment, it's been in the works for a couple of weeks.

    Read a diffrient article, but its not just MU that was shut down. It was the entire Mega network.

    Anyway, given the timing...

    who's going to site back and watch the now forming Megashitstorm?

    Edit - didn't read the part about everyone getting arrested. Just most/all of the higher ups.

    Also, all the people in the ISP Cogent Communication Headquarters (In DC) are being detained in relation to this.
  12. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    I am afraid that it did already under another name...
  13. dgrayman42

    dgrayman42 Active Member

    Where am I supposed download from now?
  14. asdfth12

    asdfth12 Well-Known Member

    Are you talking about COCINA (Messed up abbreviation I think, but you should know what I'm reffering to) or PIPA?

    I'm not releasing my sources for this, but I've heard that anonymous might go on a ddos'ing spree because of this. The ddos'ing spree might not be what happens, but odd's are that anon will do something about it.

    I'm going to go stock up on popcorn. I've got a feeling that this will soon turn into a shitstorm of biblical scale.
  15. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

  16. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member


  17. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    No it didn't
  18. asdfth12

    asdfth12 Well-Known Member

    Haha, called it motherfuckers!
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    bear in mind that this may not be entirely piracy related, the founder of megaupload was already wanted on numerous unrelated criminal charges dating from before he created megaupload.
  20. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member
