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Megaupload Founder Accuses New Zealand Police of Beating Him

Discussion in 'General News' started by reekon_retro, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. reekon_retro

    reekon_retro Well-Known Member

    Megaupload founder accuses New Zealand
    police of beating him
    Reuters - 3 hours ago
    WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Kim Dotcom, the
    founder of the Megaupload online file-sharing
    site embroiled in U.S. piracy and fraud
    investigations, said on Tuesday New Zealand
    police punched and kicked him during a raid on
    his mansion.
    Dotcom, a German national who is fighting
    extradition to the United States from New
    Zealand, said he was terrified during a raid in
    January by armed police using helicopters.
    He said when he heard shouting and banging
    he went to a safe room, where police found
    "And then they were all over me. I had a punch
    to the face, boots kicking me down to the
    floor," Dotcom said in court.
    "I was screaming and I was in pain ... I told
    them there was no need for punching me or
    hurting me and please stop."
    Acting on a request from the U.S. Federal
    Bureau of Investigation (FBI), New Zealand
    authorities raided Dotcom's rented estate
    outside Auckland, confiscating computers and
    hard drives, art work and luxury cars.
    However, the raid and seizure of evidence has
    since been ruled illegal and the court hearing
    this week is to determine what should happen
    to the seized material.
    The FBI says Dotcom led a group that has
    netted $175 million since 2005 by copying and
    distributing music, movies and other
    copyrighted content without authorisation.
    Lawyers for the flamboyant entrepreneur say
    the company simply offered online storage.
    Dotcom and three others were arrested in the
    raid. Dotcom was kept in custody for a month
    before being granted bail.
    The hearing is scheduled to last until Thursday.
    A New Zealand court is due to hear an
    application from U.S. authorities to extradite
    Dotcom on internet piracy, money laundering
    and breach of copyright charges in March.
    (Reporting by Gyles Beckford; Editing by Robert
    Source : http://m.yahoo.com/legobpengine/news
  2. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Sure, he was assaulted. Whatever.
  3. Drenas789

    Drenas789 Active Member

    Should've went to a safer room.
  4. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    It's funny cause he's fat.
  5. thricee

    thricee Well-Known Member

    doesnt matter had prem
  6. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    I don't doubt it, this happens on a daily basis.

    Edit: removed crass expletives