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Megaman Star Force Dragon

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by steveocho, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. steveocho

    steveocho Active Member

    I am on the part where Copper, a cop, comes to town to check out the source of the Z waves. I am supposed to go into his personal profile but since he has a "special shield", it won't let me. So i have to find something to physically hit him with so that he will be unconscious which makes me able to go into his person profile. I have a theory that the item i need to hit him with is a baseball machine back where Geo watches the stars at night but it is locked and Abe is the only one with the key. I went to abe and he said he won't open it but when I pressed L, Mega said he found another way to open it. I was thinking Keyman to open it but i have no idea how to use him? So has anyone gotten past this?
  2. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    I was stuck there for a few minutes, too, actually...

    Get into the kid's Transer to find out where the key for the machine is.
  3. steveocho

    steveocho Active Member

    ohhhh of course thanks man
  4. steveocho

    steveocho Active Member

    well i just beat the game with 16 hours and ?? minutes but i still have one question. How do you do combos?
    p.s. In my opinion the game was shorter and easier than i expected it to be

    edit* ahh just noticed i double posted. my bad
  5. Valkerion

    Valkerion Well-Known Member

    lol yea they dint explane alot of stuff very well.

    I think to do combos you have to pick related attacks, use them then if you time it right or something then you get a free attack of the same kind, or something.

    That or you just pick attacks that compliment eachother or something. i dunno lol :mad:
  6. steveocho

    steveocho Active Member

    well after i beat the game i talked to the short kid on the place where Geo (Megaman) usually goes to to look at the stars. Well the short guy said he noticed something weird coming from the piano in the school gym so i went there, checked it out, went into it's comp and there were 13 of those minions you always see. The ones where megaman couldn't even damage the first time they met. Anyways i got up to like 8 or 9 then died. Seeing as how you have no breaks in between i have to say that they are harder than the Andromeda itself. I better get something good when i beat them
  7. Ohji

    Ohji Well-Known Member

    The little kid becomes your brother if you kill all 10.
  8. steveocho

    steveocho Active Member

    isnt there 13?

    bah its pretty hard and i only have 890 hp. I keep getting stuck at the level where the magician is and that stupid bubble of his and healing power pisses me off. I only defeated that level twice and the second time i had 1 hp...anyone have any advice?
  9. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    You get a Best Combo by just using standard chips in a single turn that add up to 300 or more attack power.
  10. steveocho

    steveocho Active Member

    standard chip?
  11. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member


  12. traviscamos

    traviscamos Well-Known Member

    u get the kee under the seat near the train where geo looks at the stars then so on so on