Can't wait.Played BN 2-6, Chip Challenge and SF 1 and 2. The Jap version was great, can't wait for eng version. While we are waiting, what Noise do you want? I'm going for Burai Noise.
Red Joker combined form is stronger but slower, Black Ace combined form is faster but weaker, or something silly like that.
Rockman.EXE/MegaMan Battle Network is still far superior to Shooting Star/StarForce. Lets hope that Rockman.EXE OPERATE Shooting Star retains Battle Network's play style. Though, StarForce 3 is by far the greatest of the RnR/SS/SF games so far.
most games get dumped on the very same day they're released, or the day right after, so it's not that hard to predict it.
I typically agree with you, but this whole series is really is it's own game. Basically it just bears the name.
yeah you are right mm games have to be 2d but look at this game its just too much great and its soo much bitter the being in 2d i mean imagine this game in 2d ............................................. (( no comment ))
i've chosen Red Joker and now i need a Black Ace brother. if anyone is interested my friend code is 116176903734 and i will be online everyday by 16:00 GMT+4 (that's 12 by noon if u r in UK) for confirmation. U really dont wanna miss this chance!