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Megaman Legends 3 Officially Cancelled

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Yutrzenika, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    I'm not really a Megaman fan myself, but its a shame to see what was looking to be a very promising game get cancelled.
    More about it here.
  2. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Starting to hate capcom more and more
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The biggest reason why this pisses me off was because it was fueled by a lot of the community and that Capcom said that it was going to green light this through sales numbers of the paid prototype/demo on the eShop when it launched. Except that never happened and they delayed it and now it's canceled. It's not the fact that it got canceled, it's the fact that there was a chance that it could've come out through sales numbers and Capcom decided to not even give it a chance.

    Also I highly doubt any Megaman related game will come out, or even be announced for a long time. I'm quite glad there's no Capcom games I really want in the future too, cause this burns. I'm butthurt, but not the good kind.

    But srsly, the game development was probably mostly fueled by Keiji, who left not too long ago. Kinda reinforces the reason why he left in the first place. I wish bigger companies took more chances, I mean, this is a handheld game, it would not have cost as much as a AAA title on the console. Especially on a handheld that's starving for content as of right now.
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Been hearing rumours that it was planned to be cancelled in the first place, as part of a ploy to sell the 3DS. Can't speak for the credibility, though.
  5. jadster 1996

    jadster 1996 Well-Known Member

    Any relation to this?
    To be honest,from the start it seemed this was just a "project" and was going to be canceled eventually.
    Obviously a dick move by capcom,but a bit expected
    I just hope nothing happens to revelations,though it looks like the development is already far
  6. Genya Arikado

    Genya Arikado Well-Known Member


    First Megaman Universe and now this? That's two games in a row now. Total BS, Capcom.
  7. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    This was the ONLY reason i was going to pick up a 3DS

    nope, fuck capcom
  8. SakuraMartinez

    SakuraMartinez Well-Known Member

    Same here.
    This was among the titles I was waiting for since I finished MML1 and 2, one of the titles that was making me think of saving up money to buy both Vita and 3DS. Now, I think I'm just going to go ahead and not bother with 3DS...
  9. frostydrag0n

    frostydrag0n Well-Known Member

    Fantastic. One of the reasons I got my 3DS was to play this game. Ugh this sucks bigtime
  10. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Megaman Legends 3 gets canceled, the next day Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 with a MML stage gets confirmed, Capcom is trolling
  11. AnusBeQuiet

    AnusBeQuiet Guest

    i think this is ploy...
    they go announce this but no
    marvel capcom three rip-off!! :-/

    media stunt yes
    they get very much attention
    but why for we'll see
  12. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Whatever helps you sleep at night
  13. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    Pfft Capcom's just there to milk Capcom "fans" for every cent

    No wonder Inafune left Capcom
  14. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    RIP Capcom.... Bye! Bye! Megaman @ Rockman!
  15. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    did anyone see the demo theyt previewed it looked awesome ill agree it was very dissapointed it has been killed off the graphics looked awesome and im sure the levels are good too
  16. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    just about anyone who followed the project saw the demo. It looked fantastic, they needlessly pushed it back then canceled it without ever giving a full reason. [Legitimate reason anyway] As dissappointed as I was... I've gotten over it. I mean, I had already conceded the fact that I'd never see Mega get off Elysium long ago. So I can just forget about this fiasco. I won't buy capcom games, and they wont get the chance to Dissapoint me anymore. win win. >.>;
  17. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    i like the look of the game but id rather have a totally new zero adventure as those games were awesome as volnut/X wasnt that impressive