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Meaning/Purpose of Life

Discussion in 'Debates' started by n0thealthy, Sep 4, 2008.

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  1. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    Since the dawn of time Man has searched for the meaning of life...

    So, what is the RomUlation community's opinion reagrding the meaning of life?

    Well, I'll start us off with a quote from David Seaman's book "The Real Meaning of Life":
    "Life has no meaning, but as humans we try to associate a meaning or purpose so we can justify our existence."

    Pretty much sums up my view in one sentence.

    Now it's your turn. ;D
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

  3. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    I knew that was coming...
    Well, I have to agree with David Seaman here; the meaning of life is entirely subjective and nowhere near definitive. It's what you make it to be.
  4. dcallaghan

    dcallaghan Member

    IMHO, life is the universes way of increasing entropy, by temporarily reversing entropy. So the system becomes more complex to make itself simpler faster.

    Life is an excellent example of chaos creating complexity out of "randomness".
  5. ztf

    ztf Member

    Brush your teeth and don't be such a dick.
  6. dcallaghan

    dcallaghan Member

    Well how can I reason with that intelligent reply!
  7. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    LOL! :D
  8. ztf

    ztf Member

    Seriously though: what more nobler and pure pursuit can man pursue than not being evil?
  9. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Eventually you die and everything you ever worked for and did doesn't matter. People forget your entire existence eventually, and eventually the world will end, everything even as a bigger picture becoming worthless. There is no God. When you die, you're dead.

  10. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member


    Ever heard of the book "The purpose driven life"?. I read the first chapter and nailed to my head two sentences that made me gave up reading the whole book.

    "You are an instrument of God"
    "You are a servant of God".

    Seriously who decides this things?
    if God wants something why doesnt he come and say it himself.


    I have to agree with David Seaman, Life really is subjective and never absolute.
    Some say life is what you make it, some say life is a pre-destined object, some say its a result of all choices that we make.  But in the end, what does it really matter. Religion tells you to live for others, but who willl live for yourself. Good and Evil, what is the meaning of such things, aren't this things just labels created by humanity to abstain themselves from guilt, and grief. You see different things from different culture. One maybe considered good, but evil to another. Our religion is diversified into many categories. Every waking moment a lot of new religious organization is created all doing the same thing, thinking that their actions are orders of His Almighty Holiness. Seriously its becoming tiresome, the same thing is done over and over and over. Who tells you who to be? what to be?...God? friends? family? or yourself?
  11. ztf

    ztf Member

    Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras, Julius Caesar, Agustus Caesar, Confucious, Siddhartha Guatama, Muhammed, William Shakespeare, Newton, Galileo, Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison, and a slew of other people would like to disagree.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    they are exceptions to the rule.
  13. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    I believe the purpose of life is just to live. What is any living organism just doing their whole life but just living and reproducing? It's the very reason why you get sick, so the virus/bacteria/whatever can reproduce.
  14. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Half of those people are terrible examples, and just about all of them would be considered imbeciles by modern education standards. They were from a more primitive time when that's what they were told to believe. Trees could actually be glow-in-the-dark, and we've never questioned it because that's what we "know" as true. I mean, trees obviously aren't glow-in-the-dark, but you get my point.
  15. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    For mathematicians, this might be hard to argue because imagine being Pythagoras trying to figure out the Pythagorean theorem without any basis to work off of.

    Try doing Newton's Method without actually knowing what it is, or what it does.
    Try coming up with differentials for adding the sum of 1-100 (without physically adding each one) without actually knowing what differentials are.

    Even by today's standards, anyone who can do those aforementioned things without actually learning them is still a genius.

    As for all other academic subjects, Void is right.
  16. ztf

    ztf Member

    I really think you fail to realize the depth of creative liscense blatantly stolen from Shakespeare. Shakespeare has come up with the core backbone of pretty much every plot in body of western fiction after his death. Any story with star crossed lovers is a complicated Romeo and Juliet, any plot focusing on jealousy is usally a tweaked Othello, and even most children literature is mocked-up versions of Midsummer and Twelth Night. And that's really the only other "academic" contributer I listed besides mathematicians.

    The point I was trying to make is that these people so fundementally rocked the world they where part of that the very notion of living was revolutionized. These people have and will continue to have far reaching impacts well into there death. Hell, they could fade into obscurity and chances are that, because they changed the very core of living, that there impacts could still be recognized by learned scholars.People matter. It is an unarguable fact. Even if you are a lowly farmer growing potatoes, by the laws set forth in the Chaos Theory, those potatoes could feed a salesmen who sells a pen to a politician who signs into effect a bill which lowers taxes which gives more money to an artists who paints a picture that inspires a passerby who grows up to be the Messiah. Even death cannot discount the thousands of mouths a farmer feeds, or the brutal policies inacted by a despot. Death dosn't erase the fact that you painted a picture, or wrote a book, or told someone else about something. In todays modern world, where permenance is only a few cheap megabytes away, this is more fact than ever. The only thing that can truly erase ones presence in this world is the arrogance that goes along with thinking nothing matters.

    So if such limited understanding can come from such a primitive time, imagine what people are thinking of today in this modern and evolved world.
  17. dcallaghan

    dcallaghan Member

    Most brilliant people are brilliant at only a narrow range of thinking. I'm sure Newton, brilliant though he was, knew very little about writing farces. There are an equal number of brilliant minds who would agree. Einstein was one of them, despite the interpretation people place on his use of the word God. Others include Dawkins, Hawkins, Penrose and Deutch.
  18. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    "Everyday above ground is a good day", said Mr Tony Montana. I agree.

    Life has no meaning itself, life is supposed to be lived with no single purpose. What could be a purpose is achieve immortality. Other than that, I can't think of.
  19. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Nature's intended meaning of life: The meaning of life is to grow, mate/reproduce and it depends what species you are to nurture the offspring...

    Individual's meaning of life: To live how you choose and to decide your own meaning.

    Worthless Individual's meaning of life: To live and then die.

    Laidback Individual's meaning of life: It doesn't matter, just enjoy what you've got...

    That's my guess :)
  20. wes_new_name

    wes_new_name Well-Known Member

    read the bible and find out the meaning of life.
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