Um... shouldn't it be Princess Peach or Zelda ... I'd choose Zelda.. and if it were between Mario and Link... Link
I picked neither, so Kratos But in the end I'd go with my 8-bit brawler Link. Zelda was too groundbreaking a game to deny it's roots in every aspect of rpg or other genres. Games like Mario with 2-d side scrolling were out and about, but Mario made it epic. I still have tons of fun playing the first =D
Mario Games are ok, but Zelda games are WAYYYYY BETTTER! [me=SoulRunner]Feels Like Playing "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" and not playing''Super Mario Galaxy''[/me]
i know. but they're both from nintendo. it just doesn't make any sense to me, they're even from different video game genre.
I think zelda doesn't count.What he meant by zelda is the game.By doing so,the only the main characters count.
I voted Zelda, In all Zelda games theres a theme, a theme whats only in Zelda games. Mario is also good but Zelda is more variating. Mario: Funny, Cool extra's but a sucking story what is always the same. Zelda: Unique story's but same playing style. (travel to tower, travel to temple and again)
zelda. games where you can "level-up" or get stronger somehow are the best. the "rpg" type will always be better than side scrolls.
LoZ will always win. WTF mario?That name had been milk over and over and over and over again. Nintendo better innovate on Loz this time around.