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Mario Kart Wii

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by uni1246777, Jan 3, 2010.

  1. uni1246777

    uni1246777 New Member

    How do I unlock the Magikruiser? I did 16 solo time trial courses and went back to the title screen, and selected my license. All I got was Birdo. Aren't I supposed to get the Magikruiser after doing 8 time trial courses?
  2. ProtomanZX

    ProtomanZX Well-Known Member

    Well you can try looking at gamefaqs or sites like that, i almost 100% cleared my MKWii but i cant find the Mii outfit B, can anyone help?
  3. hibye101

    hibye101 Active Member

    For the Magikruiser i was pretty sure u do solo tim trial 8 times, 16 for birdo, and all of them for todette, and for mii costume B, im pretty sure you need to do Leaf Cup 100cc and get a high rank, i think thats what i did
  4. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    Its not that hard to do..

    You sure you did 8 different ones?
  5. kjhgfdsa123456789

    kjhgfdsa123456789 Active Member

    Play Time Trials on 8 different courses. That's what it said on gamefaqs.