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Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story (U)...Again

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by gemagame, May 2, 2010.

  1. gemagame

    gemagame New Member

    can anyone give me some tutorial for playing Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story (U) pleeeease... :'(
    of course with simple explainations and simple languages...
    i use no$gba emulator...and as many as i read some topic about it...i still have some constrains... :(

    first is about the starting the game, it freeze in opening save screen...but it's solved when i use no$zoomer(or may be because the firmware.bin i think...) :)

    secondly is about browser first fight with the 'pighead' (midbuz or whatever it name)...it's solved with nonactiving the sound... :D

    but the next one...when browser meet the 'yellow box-man'...it freeze again...what's the problems??what' needed next?? :-\

    i really2 want to play this game...cause i've been play at first sequel (superstar saga & partner in time)...this game is so addicting for me... :'(

    **so sory if my english is not so good...i'm new here ;D
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Try using the full package of no$gba,

    Have you patched the game?
  3. gemagame

    gemagame New Member

    yeah...i've download it before...and i use it...

    about patching the game...til now i still can't understand it...i've read previous discussion with 84 pages...and i till can apply it...hehe...
    can u give me some explaination or link about the discussion please...thanx b4...
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Here's a patched version of the game.

    No need of patching it.

  5. gemagame

    gemagame New Member

    oh boy...i've download and use it...and still the game stopped when browser meet bloque monsieur...aaarrggh...
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Not sure what to do since I use a flashcart. :(