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Maplestory quick guide

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by swiftflame, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. swiftflame

    swiftflame Member

    Tips on what to do when you are stuck.
    1. Always check you invertory, somethimes when you are stuck you need to use a item in a ceratin place.
    2. talk to npcs, people who dont do this are usually stuck on most korean games. rember talking to npcs may progress you in to game.
    3. search everywhere and use your brain. Like in warrior [chapter 5 i think] you get 3 gem and he tell you about a statue, and staues in perion have indent that looks like the gems if you look above at numb 2 its obvious what to do =//
    4. if all else fails, ask on forum but only after you tried all of these.
    Post Merge: [time]1272195961[/time]
    also i forgot to mention theres parts in the game where its a korean word puzzle, im stuck at there so if anyone find the combination... help