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Maplestory DS in Japanese

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by veggieincoma, May 14, 2010.

  1. veggieincoma

    veggieincoma New Member

    Frankly I had no idea where this post should go but after looking around a bit I figured this was the best place.

    According to this post (http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=761330900) over at the Chinese forums, there exists a Japanese version of the game inside the Korean version. It's not complete, but ALL the dialogue has already been translated into Japanese. The skills and items (everything that's non-dialogue, in other words) are still in Korean, though. The Chinese hackers simply pulled the Japanese out of what was in the ROM and put it over the Korean dialogue. I've been playing the Japanese version and I can tell that it's been professionally translated (it reads very naturally). Nexon wouldn't bother with a professionally translated version if they weren't going to release it in Japan, so we can expect a Japanese release sometime in the future.

    Here is a link for the Japanese version: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0D0OM0DL
    Just extract it, rename it as you wish, and put it into your DS. It doesn't need to be patched or anything. Don't be deterred by the Korean at the start, when the proper dialogue starts within the game, rest assured it will be in Japanese.

    Also, the hackers said that apart from the Japanese version, they managed to find an English version inside the ROM. They didn't pull it out to cover the Korean text like they did the Japanese version because apparently, it's extremely incomplete (maybe only half the dialogue has been translated? Who knows). But this could be an indication of Nexon's intent to release it in English.
  2. Yohko86

    Yohko86 Member

    This is a great/interesting find! Thanks for posting the link for the Japanese ROM! I really do hope they release a properly translated English version stateside (soon)!

    Oh yeah, it did run well on your card? Were there any AP hurdles to get over like there is in the Korean version?