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Mana Khemia 2 : Fall of the Alchemy | Need some Hints :D ~~~~

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by shaNa-chan, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. shaNa-chan

    shaNa-chan Well-Known Member

    I'm nearly forgot about this problem, :D
    have anyone played this game? If yes..
    help me on how to make the Flame Ether Level to 100?
    It's a class assignment on the 6th week, i think..

    I've follow the 'Help' tutorial in this game.. but so far, I only got 99 ether level for Flame. :( :(

    p/s : i've checked the Gamefaqs for some hints, but looks like no one have post it yet. :)

    Help me~~~~ :D :D :D