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Making Tank Blissey, Need Advice on Moveset

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by three_strangers, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. three_strangers

    three_strangers Well-Known Member

    For my first EV training endeavor, I'm trying to make a Tank Blissey with max HP, Def, S. Def, and some S. Atk if I have some room for it. I intend to make this Blissey a pain to get rid of, but I'm not sure with moves to give it. This is what I have set in stone for it right now...

    Nature: Bold (+Def, -Atk)
    Ability: Serene Grace (moves that have an effect double in success)
    Softboiled (healing)
    Heal Bell (status ailments)

    My friend suggests Thunderbolt or Ice beam for paralyzing/freezing, but I'd like your opinion :D
  2. albert_atadero

    albert_atadero New Member

    Counter is also good.. you need to breed with brellom to get that move.
  3. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Return: A move that depends on if the pokemon likes you or not.
    Happiness to evolve into Blissey.
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member


    And by the way, Counter on a Blissey sounds good in theory, but chances are, you'll be killed very easily due to having hardly any Def. I love using my Infernape and Close Combating this into submission. Even with being a Special Wall, Counter is useless against a STAB Aura Sphere from Lucario.

    The old-school sets before HGSS used Ice Beam to take care of Salamence. It's still a viable option. Wish is absolutely amazing if you don't have any Wish passers.

    Don't bother using Return, with 10 base attack, you might be able to scratch something...I'd rather take my base 75 SpA and actually do some decent damage...
  5. three_strangers

    three_strangers Well-Known Member

    Some of those Blissey movesets don't make much sense to me. Blissey already has plenty of S. Def to spare, so a Calm nature won't help it's lacking Def. I'm going mad trying to hatch a Bold Happiny with Serene Grace, so I'll have to settle for a Lax one D: And when does Blissey learn Seismic Toss? Serebii.net doesn't list it ever learning it, and yet it's in one of the strategies!
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    They don't make sense because the first entry is a NYPC event, extremely rare, and taught Seismic Toss from a Move Tutor from one of the 3rd gen games (I think FRLG, or Emerald). You can go with the alternative sets without Wish.

    Now you know why so many of us hack...the probability of getting the NYPC event, with good enough IVs, with the right nature, AND be taught Seismic Toss before migrated over is extremely low.
    This will be my next challenge, to make an NYPC WishBliss that is undetectable...

    Edit: And I made one. Absolutely perfect. And because it was an Egg distribution, that cuts out three unknown parts. :D
    If you want a Blissey that's native to D/P/Pt or HGSS, substituting Seismic Toss for Ice Beam (or Flamethrower depending on the set) will do.
  7. s_quizno

    s_quizno Well-Known Member

    Haha the key word here is UNDETECTABLE, more specifically, by anti-cheat programs. Obviously if a friend with some Poke knowledge got a look at such a thing, they'd know it was fake because it was hatched.

    Oh yeah, insanecrazy07, does the "Egg" thing still work with the new HGSS games? There were a lot of topics about Hex values in the Pokesav site and I'm wondering if the Egg will still bypass such problems. If that's the case, then all I have to worry about is the legendary pokemon - everything else can just be "sent over" from older games.
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Hmm, well from what I gathered, when you hatch a pokemon from 3rd gen and Pal Park it, it loses the hatched part. It will just say Met at (whatever level you Pal Parked it at), Hoenn or Kanto, and that's it. Also hex was only used from D/P and onward, so everything is 00.
    As for wild GBA pokemon, use Type 3 or Type 4 (I made a Suicune with Type 4, like it's supposed to).
    Be sure to apply TrashBytes.exe to it when you're done.

    I'll have to have my friend trade me a Pal Parked hatched pokemon to find out more about it. I've already done most of the legendaries. Those were pretty easy. I've replaced most of them with current-gen stuff though.

    My current product says Uncommon GBA A-B-C-E, and everything is Valid. :D :D :D :D :D