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Major help. ( Beginning, computer issue, cards, downloading, etc... )

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by PeachMilk, May 27, 2010.

  1. PeachMilk

    PeachMilk Well-Known Member

    If this is the wrong place/or answered please do inform me/move it. I'm too new for my own good and using the handy little search bar didn't help me at all.

    ( By the way, before you go slapping your forehead in frustration I am lacking knowledge with all of this. So if you don't mind, please enlighten me.)

    After a couple years of even discovering that things like these magical cards existed I finally decided to -try- doing more research on the topic, only to be discouraged the more and more I read.

    I don't feel like spending over $180 on the rest of a game series, so I've come here after seeing that this site has all of them. I decided that I'll spend a fraction of it on a card. I have a few problems, though...

    One being my computers are old. Wicked old. I can't get to the other computer right now, but I know that it's a Windows XP that can't even download iTunes. That old. This current computer I'm on can't even stay alive when I pull up two Youtube links, or a even a flash game. It's been through too much, this old girl.

    I can't even download pretty much anything anymore, since one: it's a family computer and the rules are strict with downloading. Two: Barely any memory. Three: It will more than likely crash.

    Another issue being I'd have a certain version for my DSi possibly? ...What? I understand that, but how? How do I go about doing this if I have to?

    Also, what card should I bother getting that will work? I've heard of Acekard 2i, but... Reading all these card names and my lack of knowledge are only making me more confused. So I think asking you guys will help.

    The games I want are pretty large in size:


    What do I have to download in order to get this card to work? I saw the whole extracting .RAR files, so beside downloading that what else do I have to do?

    I'm in a pickle with all of this and my head is itching in frustration. I'm sorry if I'm frustrating you, too, but I am so clueless that even I'm embarrassed.

    If anymore information is needed, feel free to ask. I can't think of anything else to ask with this head cold of mine.
  2. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Well if you can't download anything, then you're out of luck unless you can find a computer.. Maybe the library has some you could use, or a friend can let you use their computer?

    First: Go for the Acekard2i. It'll most likely work on your DSi. Basically, any card with i at the end will work on a DSi, but the Acekard has one of the highest compatibilities since not all ROMs work with flashcarts due to anti-piracy measures in the ROMs.
    Second: To get the Acekard2i to work, you'll need to find the latest version of a firmware called AKAIO. I believe it may be linked on the Acekard2i's website.
    Third: You'll need WinRAR to uncompress most of the stuff you use with a flash cart. If you have a large capacity flash drive, I suggest installing WinRAR onto it so you can download from any computer you want without having to install WinRAR each time. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SAVE EACH RAR FILE. If you click open, it will go into the temporary files folder, and it can be easily deleted from there just by going to your browser's internet options.
    Fourth: You will have to have a better computer than the piece of %^@$ you described in case of an emergency, such as all of your files being corrupted and you need to format it.
  3. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I'm not too sure how to help out with your computer issue really. All I can suggest is either getting a download manager, or getting the FireFox web browser which has one built in. That way you can continue downloads if they get interpreted by say, your computer deciding it is time to turn off or something.

    For the card;

    The Acekard2i is pretty much your best option for a cart like this. I'll leave it to someone else to give you a very good tutorial as to setting it up properly since I don't have one myself. You'll want to pick it up from somewhere such as shoptemp.com with a MicroSD card. There is no limit as to the size of MicroSD that the cart can use, so feel free to use from a 128mb to a 16gb card. The MicroSD card is required to use the flash cart since the cart its self does nothing but properly read and use what is on the MicroSD card.

    Your DSi:

    The DSi firmware can be a deal breaker for some carts since it is specifically designed for the purpose of giving system updates and making it impossible to use illegal content on the system. The Acekard2i can completely bypass even the newest firmware though, so it isn't an issue in the least. Don't even worry about your DSi if you decide to get an Acekard2i.


    You'll want to not use the official firmware (what is used to bring up the menu for selecting your game and such when you have the cart in and running), as the official firmware is no longer updated. There is a firmware called AKAIO which will be exactly what you will want. It will basically make it so that there are no issues with Anti-Piracy (commonly called AP), but there will still be some here or there. The Anti-Piracy is inserted by a developer to make it impossible to do something vital to playing the game. You will be able to find the fixes right here at RomUlation so that you can continue to play the games you want to play.

    I won't bother going into details on installing the firmware, as that is useless for now until you have a cart to actually try it with.