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MAIO Updater, updating them yourself

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Joel16, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    MAIO Multi Flascart Update/Ak

    This topic will show you how to update your version of MAIO yourself, it's basically just like YSmenu(replaces extinfo/infolib/savlib.dat da da da..)


    1. Download and install the latest version of MAIO depending on your flaschart type --> here (r4 clones/dsone/r4i --> use MAIO multi flashcart update) (Acekard 2/2i --> use MAIO for acekards).

    2. Download the latest dats by RGF --> here or by Jhon591 --> here, be sure to check the latest post for his updates!

    3. After downloading the latest dat updates simply place the dats(extinfo/infolib/savlib.dat) in the ttmenu folder (of your MAIO update). If it asks you to replace any files, select yes.

    4. Load your flashcart, and run MAIO.