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Maguindanao Genocide

Discussion in 'General News' started by crimson089, Nov 27, 2009.

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  1. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    Maguindanao massacre: The nation and the world reacts

    In history of the Philippines, the Maguindanao Massacre was the worst biggest, most brutal death and summary execution that any election related crime in the Philippines has had. The death of mostly supporters of Mangudadatu really brutal.

    This incident has been labeled today by world media associations condemning the incident as the worst killing ever the world history both for civilians and media men.

    At least as of latest update by Inquirer online news, death toll rose to 46. Recovery is of the cadavers is ongoing while so far, 46 were already confirmed dead in the mass grave according to the police in the area.


    Five more bodies have been recovered from the massacre site in Ampatuan town in Maguindanao, bringing the total number of deaths to 57, a military official said Wednesday evening.

    Armed Forces public information chief Lt. Col. Romeo Brawner said the retrieved bodies belonged to 22 females and 35 males.

    Also unearthed from the site in Barangay Salman were a red Toyota Vios and an L-300 van of UNTV television network.

    The victims, many of them journalists, were in a convoy traveling to Shariff Aguak town when kidnapped and later executed by armed men last Monday.

    The group was about to file the certificate of candidacy (COC) of Buluan vice mayor Ismael "Toto" Mangudadatu, who is running for provincial governor in next year's elections.

    Toto's wife, Genalyn Tiamzon-Mangudadatu, and sisters were among those killed.

    The gruesome killings were blamed on the powerful Ampatuan clan, a political rival of the Mangudadatus and a close ally of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

    The massacre is considered as the worst case of election-related violence in the country and was condemned by the United Nations and the European Union.

    "I condemn in the strongest possible terms the barbaric killing on 23 November 2009 of innocent civilians, including women, journalists and lawyers, who were preparing to participate in the electoral process in the Philippines," said Benita Ferrero-Waldner, EU commissioner for external relations.

    UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he was "saddened" over the brutal killing and condemned the "heinous crime."


    I can still remember the Rwandan genocide where thousands of people died because of a horrible reason... politics. I don't have to wonder why the world will end at 2012. This world has no justice. This world needs judgment.
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    2012 is a load.......the mayans stopped making the calender......that's it......

    but genocide is horrible......let's not forget the current genocides of our world and the past as well.

    tens of millions have died in vain for "perfection".....the scum of the earth always are behind it.

    but the people (the killers) really should be either killed or brought to justice.
  3. christian_o18

    christian_o18 Member

    Im A filipino and I agree to ace1o1.. This incident is the biggest crime in our country today..

    Today, death toll rises to 50+..
  4. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    here is another article:

    MANILA (AFP) - – A Philippine politician ordered soldiers, police and other gunmen to kill at least 57 defenceless people in a horrifying slaughter that saw women shot in the genitals, the government alleged Friday.

    In the most detailed account yet of Monday's election-linked massacre, which has sent shockwaves through the Southeast Asian nation, an emotional Justice Secretary Agnes Devanadera said female victims may have also been raped.

    "It was horrible. I cannot begin to describe it," Devanadera told the GMA television network, recounting what she had seen of the bodies as well as the testimony of many of those who had taken part in the killings.

    Devanadera said the witnesses told prosecutors that local mayor Andal Ampatuan Jnr ordered his private militia of more than 100 gunmen to open fire on the group of people on a remote farming area in the southern Philippines.

    The gunmen had a short time earlier abducted a convoy of aides and relatives of a rival Muslim politician, Esmael Mangudadatu, plus a batch of local journalists.

    The group had been travelling to an election office so Mangudadatu's wife could nominate him to run against Ampatuan Jnr for the post of Maguindanao province governor in next year's elections.

    Fifty seven bodies have since been recovered from shallow graves in the killing fields close to a town bearing the Ampatuan name.

    At least 22 of the victims were women, police said earlier.

    Twenty-seven victims were journalists and 15 were motorists who were driving past the area at the wrong time, all of whom were apparently killed to eliminate witnesses.

    Ampatuan Jnr, who surrendered to authorities on Thursday and was taken to Manila where he was expected soon to be charged with mass murder, has denied any involvement and blamed Muslim rebels for the killings. Related article: Top suspect blames rebels for massacre

    But Devanadera said many of those who took part in the massacre were clear that Ampatuan Jnr was at the scene of the murders, ordered them to open fire and even shot people himself.

    "The order was to kill them all... it appeared premeditated," she told GMA.

    "One of the witnesses said he (Ampatuan Jnr) was the one who was ordering them... another witness saw him firing his gun as well."

    Devanadera said some of those who took part in the killings, or were ordered to be involved, had come forward because of the guilt they felt.

    "They were bothered by their conscience," she said, while emphasising many of them had given testimony against their former boss.

    "We have many witnesses, not just one."

    She said the group of more than 100 gunmen included soldiers and policemen.

    Authorities had already said that hundreds of policemen believed loyal to Ampatuan's powerful clan in Maguindanao province had been detained and suspected of being directly involved or linked to the massacre.

    Devanadera painted a gruesome picture of the fate of the women at the hands of the marauding militia.

    "Even the private parts of the women were shot at. It was horrible. It was not done to just one. It was done practically to all the women," she said.

    "All the women had their zippers undone. The pants of some were pulled down... We have yet to determine whether they were raped. But it is certain that something bad was done to them."

    Devanadera said charges of multiple murder were likely to be filed later on Friday.

    "They will ask the court for Ampatuan Jnr to be denied bail. I don't see how he could get out of jail at this time, with the kind of evidence that we have," she said.

    Ampatuan Jnr is the son of Maguindanao's governor, a Muslim clan chief of the same name who until this week was a close ally of President Gloria Arroyo's ruling coalition.

    Maguindanao is part of the lawless Mindanao island, where Muslim clans rule vast areas backed by their own private armies, often out of the national government's control.

    Ampatuan Snr had been grooming his son, currently a local mayor, to take over as governor of Maguindanao. The victims' relatives alleged the Ampatuans organised the murders so that Mangudadatu would not run for that post.


    and here's Ampatuan Jr, the mastermind suspect:

  5. kryz

    kryz Well-Known Member

    oh man.... i cant imagine humans has gone down this low... all for a freakin "governor" title...


  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    people do stupid crap for nothing......

    it just goes to show that some people deserve to be out in a giant blender.....
  7. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    A lack of politics was the reason.

    You cannot blame the world for the actions of a few. Most people are horrified by stories like this. The people who did it need to be brought to justice, not the whole planet. Melodrama does not help.
  8. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    If I were to reply to your post, this thread will sound like a 2012 topic.

    FYI I am not blaming the world, I'm blaming the humanity. You call these actions "few", right? These stories are not meant to horrify poeple but to give them awareness to what is really happening to this planet. It's my own opinion that this world should be brought to its end. As people grow old, they often become very negative, and the world will endure all sorts of horrible things before we all die terrible deaths. Famine, War, Genocides, Crimes, Drugs, Prostitutions, Degraded natural resources, Population growth outstripping resources worldwide, Unequal distribution of financial resources, The overwhelming power of multinational corporations over governments, Nuclear weapons; the imminent danger of worldwide catastrophe, Military means and thinking as a way of resolving political problems, Racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, Fundamentalism and narrowness, exclusivism, particularism, terrorism. This is how the human species live each day. And about that melodrama, why do the defenseless civilians always have to pay, this recent genocide, they could have just shot these people in the head, but all the helpless women were raped first and were shot at their private parts not just once. Even the motorists who were just passing by were killed. And here I am, sitting in front of my PC, could not do anything, but to feel bad about it.

    And you, as a man, will always have a bright hope for the human species. Not me.
  9. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    yeah, here they are in the same level as a warlord. when you control a certain territory even if you are a merely town/baranggay chief, you are a big person. you are like the mafia/cannot be harmed people because of the so called position in government.

    that "governor" is big shot and extremely guilty of that massacre.... but i doubt if he will be sentenced big time... he might just get a lifetime imprisonment but will be pardon for good behavior....
  10. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    that's right. he's confident cuz he is untouchable.
  11. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    ive seen the bodies, they were really disgusting...yet, i feel sorry for them..

    ALMOST..at that.
  12. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    seriously... in person??
  13. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    yep.....johncarl sent me a link of the bodies.........it was slightly disturbing....
  14. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    oww i don't even want to look at it... they were brutally murdered, the bodies must have been...
  15. kryz

    kryz Well-Known Member

    can i have the link? im from the southern philippines too...

    the women were even mutilated... their private parts were shot...(._.)
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