So, it was my little brother's girlfriend's birthday. Me (passenger), J (driver), D (little brother), both their girlfriends, and two of D's girlfriend's sisters were all in J's toyota. Now, for her birthday, she wanted to go ride down this haunted road near her house. So, we decide to drive down there, got all the way to the end, and turned around. And since it was a wet gravel road, with a ditch on either side, and a cow pasture past each ditch, this was already a bad idea. So, we got to the end, turned around and headed back. About half way back, we see this cow in the middle of the road that came out of nowhere. J starts swerving to avoid it, barely misses it, and the car starts tipping back and forth, side to side, and everybody's screaming. I was busy looking out the driver side window when it all happened, and because I saw exactly what he was doing with the brakes and steering wheel, I was able to adjust the weight of my a** perfectly so the car wouldn't flip. So that day, my a** saved six lives. What has your a** done lately?
Nothing. I never use it. My job has me standing all day long-and when at home i lie down stomach first. But when I was younger-I had many near accident avoided because of me adjusting my center of gravity just like you did... It just didn't save an lives-mostly shoving people off a boat by adjusting bit by bit until they tip... They always assume the fat person did it-my bone old behind (TM) lets me hide XD
have you told them that your ass saved their lives? who's a**? your a**. If your hand slapped a person, who slapped the person? your hands? No. You did. (not trying to be rude)