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Made up (or real) Comical Names.

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by oohmeplums, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. oohmeplums

    oohmeplums Active Member

    :) I want to see as many comical names (As Barts calls to Moes Tavern (Don't Copy) as can possibly be thought of. I'll get You All Started.
    Mike Hockhurtz
    Jenny Tools (Towels)
    Walter Returd
    Phil MeCracken
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    This should be in the forums games, jokes and spam section, the mods will move this later on...

    I can only think of one...

    KFC-imagination is a powerful tool :)
  3. oohmeplums

    oohmeplums Active Member

    I work in a large retailer where as part of my hobby I collect stupid names from the 500+ workforce I've used this forum to widen the circle Sorry If I need moving on.

    Drew Peacock
    Eamon Grool
    Eamon Key
    Martin Seecock
    Owain Keytutcher