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Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Troublesome222, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. Troublesome222

    Troublesome222 Well-Known Member

    Hey everybody! Remember Mad-libs? That awesome word game that everyone would only use obscenities in?
    Well, if you google "online madlibs", you can find some sites. Visit one, and write stuff in a mad-lib. Post the final story here!

    Also remember, keep everything appropriate!
    My example:
    The PCman sat lkdythst typing on his shghtsa. As he was hargareger the internet, he thought about all of the cool raegaerg he would see. As he aregaergarg on a link his shghtsa got a blue screen and crashed. While rebooting he saw an ad on TV for a adfetrgaer, better shghtsa. He felt bad that the new shghtsa he just aergfga with top of the line dsfasdfrg was now old and obsolete. The PCman got afgtyagrae and left his shghtsa asdfadsf into the adsfasdf and asdfasdf a good book.