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Mad as all Hopper!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ChibiGamer, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    So I was reading this article about trying to get girls interested in games and do you know they say that ALL girls only seem to be interested in dolls and freaking teener bop bands! I am mad as all get out because that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! They say that girls don't spend that much money on games and I'm thinking HELLO! I have like at least $300-$400 worth of games and I still don't have all the games I want! They say girls tend to like games that they don't have to play for long or think that much about. And I love playing long games and bloody games and action games and shoot em up games and racing games, well just GAMES in general! Where are these people getting their information from? The stone age! And I am sorry but I'm not going to buy some crap ass pink freaking DS okay! Give me black or blue or hunter green ANY day! Girls, come on I know you're out there, I know I'm not the only one! I know there has to be more that 38% of girls that are buying games. The gaming world is NOT dominated by guys! I am just so miffed. Seriously..... I want to punch something..... ARGH!

    I thought y'all were teasing me about there being no girls on the internet......

  2. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    First, I'm not a girl. I wanted to make that clear.

    Second, how many people do you know that are as serious about games as you are? They are either surveying a special location trying to get fake results or their telling the truth.Don't vent about it, just keep playing you're games or you can write for the local paper or something because if you vent to an international forum, you're voice isn't going to be spent very clearly. Create a blog or something along those lines explaining you're standpoint with a rational opinion.

    I for one respect all gamers after my girlfriend beat me in Super Smash Brothers.
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Another theory would be that... *wait for it*... YOU'RE REALLY NOT A GIRL! Have you ever thought about it? Maybe your parents just dressed you up as a girl and told you you were one, stuff like that happens! :p
  4. Orbijx

    Orbijx Member

    Gonna sort of touch on this one here, with non-important content stripped.

    1: Assuming that you actually violate the "No Girls on the Internets" rule, you are a rarity.
    2: $400 / $50 = Seven games at the average release price for most consoles. (bonus points if you see the gotcha in this step.) Men seem to blow entire paychecks on games and consoles and such. :)
    3: I know guys who own pink DS units (Not me. I need blue. Lots of it.)
    4: 38 out of 100 sounds like an improvement. I used to think it was more like... 5 out of 100.
    5: What he said.[me=Orbijx]points up at Seph.[/me]
  5. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Ooo loads of sarcasm! Thanks Guys ;) I was hoping I got a lot of smart ass answers back :) It's fun ^^

    I am a girl. I have breasts and they aren't man boobs and they aren't little boobs and I have another part of me guys don't have. I've been using the internet since I was 15 and I've been using computers since I was 6. It just blows my mind how now a days I keep having people question me as to whether or not I'm an actual girl. :) This didn't start until recently. It's now starting to get a little frustrating but not to the point where I feel I have to post pictures of my boobs and voice on the web ;) Or giving everyone my home address and number so they can come check me out. :)

    And C, I always dressed like a tom boy lol Jeans and t-shirts or shorts and t-shirts. Mom always wished she had a girlie girl but you know she climbed trees still when she was 6 months pregnant with me. :p Not to say that girlie girls don't play games either! I think my sister is very girlie and she likes to play really bloody games. :)

    And Pi, The money I've spent wasn't an accurate estimation and was put in there as a joke :) Because I knew it wasn't that much nor does it accurately portray how many games I actually have. :)

    I come from a gaming family, My Mom is as into games as I am and so is my Sister. I know quite a few girls that are into games as much as I am and even a few guys that aren't :) I just never really thought about it. My sister and I are really into bloody games too.

    This post was really just me being silly and I suppose I didn't make that clear. :) I don't get mad easily and I certainly wouldn't get mad over some news article about girl gamers. :) Even if I do think some of the ideas they were bouncing off was clearly profiling what a girl is all about. :)

    It was pointed out that I should start a blog and be rational about it. I hope I didn't come across as irrational, although I used a lot of exaggeration I never really thought exaggeration was irrational :) I posted it on here because of a central theme of their being no girls on the internet and I thought y'all would get a kick out of it.

    I really should have made it clear that I was just playing around while also thinking how silly some of what was written in the article was just... well silly. :)

    I promise next time that I make sure y'all understand I'm just being silly or something k?

  6. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Well, it looks like they didn't succeed at their initial goal.

    We're glad you liked our smart-ass answers though, I'll be sure to add one of my own next time :)
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    But you know, that doesn't actually prove anything, they could be hormone-injection induced breats. And surgery have come a long way.
    Now if you were to post some pictures I would be be able to tell by some of the pixels and from having seen quite a bit of homone-injection induced breast.

    Just even more proof that there is trickery involved here.

    I never doubted that :p
  8. maxpowersin

    maxpowersin Member


    yaa i need proof too that u are a girll
  9. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i really wish there is a girl in my country who love gaming as much as i do.......
  10. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Good try y'all. ::)

    No boobies picture for you :p

    But I'll give y'all a kiss :-*.....

    on the cheek. :D
  11. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Chances are there is...

    Aww, you're just back and you're breaking my heart already. =/
  12. DemonHeadx

    DemonHeadx Well-Known Member

    Seriously! There are not that many girls that like gaming. And if they are, they act like guys, so figure that one out? Guys like gaming, Girls who act like guys like gaming. Girls who act like girls = no gaming.
  13. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Do I act like a guy? :'(

    Being a tom boy doesn't mean I act/acted like a guy it just means I loved things that were/are more stereotypical of a guy. :)

    So I don't really agree with the statement above me. Of course you're allowed to have your own opinion so hopefully you don't think I'm saying NO YOU'RE WRONG! Because I'm not. :)

    I didn't mean to break your heart Seph :( What can I ever do to make it all better? :D
  14. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Above quote means end of discussion, definitely not a guy. :p

    I thought we had already established that. :)
  15. hen

    hen Active Member

    There is nothing wrong bout girl playing game. Well a have a nephew (girl of course) who loved to play genesis back in the old days. maybe it is just the influence from general masses that reproduce the stereotyping of girl gamers. You see some people and says that gaming for girl is more adequate for tittle like dancing (konami DDr) or music game. Bah forget what they say. Just play what game do you like. After all, your life is your own ;D
  16. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Oh right! *commences with the hugging* ;)
  17. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    *Wonders where his cookie could have gone. *hint*
  18. Ohji

    Ohji Well-Known Member

    This reminded me of Bridget from Guilty Gear. >_>
  19. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I'd completely forgot about that till now.

    Thanks for ruining my day :p
  20. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    maybe there is......the chances are slim though......hope one day i'll able to find one....