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M3i Zero not detected in my DS Phat. Any help?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by misterk94, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. misterk94

    misterk94 Member

    I've been using my DS as an MP3 player since I got my card, and it's worked mostly without a hitch for a few months. A few days ago, however, my card suddenly started having problems either detecting the MicroSD, getting past the boot screen where the M3 logo pops up, or simply getting to the boot screen at all. Yesterday, it stopped working completely; My DS has stopped recognizing the M3's existence altogether. I tried swapping out my 4-gig card with all my music on it for a 2-gig with a couple of games on it, and I got the same effect. I haven't tried using a normal game cartridge, though I really doubt the DS will have any problems reading that (I hope it won't have any problems reading that). Does anyone know of any possible solutions? I was thinking re-using the upgrade cable might help, though I'm not sure what effect if any it would have.

    PS: while I'm making a thread, I thought I'd ask- my card says M3i Zero on the cartridge itself, but the logos and splash screens in the OS itself say M3DS Real. Is that normal?
  2. verack

    verack Active Member

    I personally own a retired M3real (using a DSTwo at the moment), and my M3 would constantly not be able to be read on my lite. Try the following to check if it's indeed your flashcart:

    1.)Put a real DS game in it. If you can't get that to be read, then your DS is obviously broken.

    2.)If your DS did read the real game, then try breathing hot air on the contacts of the M3, then blow out the cart slot on the DS, and put the M3 in.

    3.)If that STILL doesn't work, or if your DS freezes on the loading, try redoing the above a few times. I've had my M3 refuse to load for nearly 20 minutes of blowing on it, and then it finally started working.