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Lunar Knights Technical Help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by ckretaznman, Dec 21, 2009.

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  1. ckretaznman

    ckretaznman Guest

    My game keeps freezing whenever I exit out of the second map of the first dungeon. Anybody know what's going on? And if so help out, please.
  2. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    more info please, what are you using, Flashcard, emulator? are you using Action replay codes?, etc.
  3. ckretaznman

    ckretaznman Guest

    I'm using CycloDs Evolution... I think that's it.
  4. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    thats it? what size is your micro Sd Card?

    and also could you add the firmware you are using?
  5. ckretaznman

    ckretaznman Guest

    2 GB.
    Firmware? Not sure
  6. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    when was the last time you updated it? also check this site for the firmware of your card it migth be a problem of you not having the last one: http://www.linfoxdomain.com/nintendo/ds/
  7. ckretaznman

    ckretaznman Guest

    I have 1.56 beta for the firmware.
  8. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    you arent using any Action repaly codes?

    also try to downgrade your firmware to the stable version
  9. ckretaznman

    ckretaznman Guest

    No, I'm not.
    Okay, now what.
  10. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    play the game and see if it runs perfectly
  11. ckretaznman

    ckretaznman Guest

    No, it still isn't playing correctly.
    Post Merge: [time]1261510668[/time]
    Never mind, I'll just delete this game.
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